roar | <i>n deep, loud prolonged sound,i> a. (<i>of tiger, lioni>) ngauman, aum; b. (<i>of laughteri>) gemuruh: <i>there was a ~ of laughter from the audience,i> terdengar ketawa yg gemuruh drpd penonton; c. (<i>of angeri>) tempikan: <i>there was a ~ of anger from the owner,i> terdengar tempikan marah drpd pemiliknya; d. (<i>of excited crowd etci>) bunyi gemuruh: <i>the ~ of the football crowd could be heard from a distance,i> bunyi gemuruh penonton perlawanan bola sepak dapat didengar dr jauh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
growl | <i>ni> 1. <i>rough, guttural sound of animal,i> bunyi (anjing, kucing, dll) menggeram; (<i>of tiger, lioni>) bunyi (harimau, singa) mengaum, bunyi aum (harimau, singa); 2. (<i>of thunder, engine, etci>) bunyi /deram-derum, deram, derum/ (sst), bunyi (sst) /berderam-derum, berderam, berderum/: <i>the ~ of the outboard motor,i> bunyi motor sangkut berderum; 3. <i>st said in a low, gruff voice,i> suara geram: <i>he gave a ~ of disapproval,i> dia membantah dgn suara geram; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |