Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

kindlyadj <b>1.b> kind, <b>a.b> (of person) baik hati, berhati baik: a ~ soul, orang yg baik hati; <b>b.b> (of heart) baik; <b>2.b> reflecting kindness, <b>a.b> (of act, deed, etc) baik; <b>b.b> (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
kindlevt <b>1.b> ignite, <b>a.b> (fire) menyalakan, menghidupkan: to ~ a fire, menyalakan api; <b>b.b> (combustible substance) menyebabkan terbakar: a spark from the train ~d the dry grass, bunga api dr kereta apiKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
laundryn <b>1.b> place where clothes are washed, <b>a.b> (shop) kedai dobi; <b>b.b> (in hotel, large house, etc) tempat mendobi; <b>2.b> clothes, sheets, etc, <b>a.b> (yet to be washed) kain(-kain) kotor: I’ve a lot of ~ to do today, banyak kain kotor yg perlu dicuci hari ini; would you bring down the ~ basket?, boleh kamu bawa turun bekas kain kotor itu?; <b>b.b> (already washed) (kain) cucian: the ~ has not come back yet, kain cucian saya belum dipulangkan; she hung out all the ~ early in the morning, dia menjemur kain cuciannya pagi-pagi lagi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
imbecilityn <b>1.b> stupidity, ketongongan, tongong; <b>2. a.b> idiotic act, perbuatan bodoh; <b>b.b> idiotic remark, kata-kata yg bodoh.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
impurityn <b>1.b> state, <b>a.b> (of being dirty, contaminated) kekotoran; <b>b.b> (of being adulterated) ketidaktulenan, tdk tulen; <b>2.b> st impure, bendasing.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
intercessionn <b>1.b> act of, <b>a.b> (mediating) pengantaraan; <b>b.b> (pleading with so. for so. else) perundingan; <b>2.b> prayer in favour of another, doa.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
kindlingn <b>1.b> act of igniting, <b>a.b> (fire) penyalaan; <b>b.b> (combustible substance) menyebabkan terbakar; <b>2.b> combustible material, umpan api, bahan penghidup api.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
incorrectnessn <b>1.b> quality of being, <b>a.b> (wrong, not true) salah; <b>b.b> (inaccurate) tdk betul; <b>2.b> quality of not being proper, tdk patut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
knottinessn <b>1.b> state of being, <b>a.b> (tied in knots) bersimpul-simpul; <b>b.b> (gnarled) berbonggol-bonggol; <b>2.b> (fig.) kerumitan, kesulitan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
idlevi <b>1.b> also <b>~ about, a.b> be unoccupied, duduk-duduk sahaja, duduk melahu; <b>b.b> be indolent, bermalas-malas; <b>2.b> (of engine) melahu: he left the car with its engine idling, dia membiarkan enjin kereta itu melahu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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