breast | vt 1. face boldly, content with, mengharungi, menempuh: the ship ~ed the waves, kapal itu mengharungi gelombang; to ~ the storms of life, mengharungi badai-badai kehidupan; 2. meet, push aside with chest, mencecahkan dada pd: the runner in lane four ~ed the tape first, pelari di lorong keempatlah yg pertama mencecahkan dada pd pita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
end | b. destruction, kemusnahan, musnah: a tanker that met its ~ in a hurricane, kapal yg musnah dlm badai; the city came to a violent ~, kota itu musnah teruk; 7. purpose, aim, matlamat, tujuan: he was acting solely for his own ~s, dia bertindak semata-mata utk tujuannya sendiri; the legislation was enacted to that ~, undang-undang tersebut diperbuat utk mencapai tujuan itu; ~ of the road, (fig.) sampai ke jalan buntu; ~ on, a. with ends meeting, (hujung) bertemu hujung: the two ships collided ~ on, kedua-dua kapal itu berlanggar hujung bertemu hujung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heel 2 | vi also ~ over, menyendeng: the sail boat was ~ing over in the gale, perahu layar itu menyendeng dipukul badai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hurricane | n 1. (tech) hurikan: the ~ struck with winds of 135 miles per hour, hurikan melanda dgn kelajuan angin 135 batu sejam; 2. severe storm, badai, (ribut) taufan: after three days the ~ ceased, selepas tiga hari, ribut taufan pun berhenti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | n 1. a blast, tiupan; (of wind) tiupan angin: a ~ from the referee’s whistle, tiupan wisel pengadil; the loud ~ of his horn, tiupan honnya yg kuat; give st a ~, meniup sst: he gave the fire a ~ with the bellows, dia meniup api itu dgn pengangin; give o’s nose a ~, menghembus /hidung, hingus/; 2. storm, badai: recurrent ~s swept the coast, badai yg berulang-ulang melanda pantai itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hit | vi 1. strike, a. (gen) memukul; b. (with fist) menumbuk: he ~ right and left against his assailants, dia menumbuk ke kiri dan ke kanan ke arah penyerang-penyerangnya; c. (with open hand) menampar; d. (with hammer) mengetuk, memukul; e. (with whip) menyebat; 2. reach target, mengenai sasaran: he shot three times but ~ only once, dia menembak tiga kali tetapi hanya satu yg mengenai sasaran; 3. arrive with damaging effect, menimpa; (of storm, typhoon, etc) melanda: when trouble ~s, apabila kesusahan menimpa; take precautions before the hurricane ~s, berjaga-jaga sebelum badai melanda; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |