irritant | adj causing irritation or inflammation, merengsakan: ~ substances, bahan-bahan yg merengsakan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
constituent | n 1. component part, a. bahan; (tech) juzuk: the ~s of slaked lime, bahan-bahan yg terdapat dlm kapur mati; b. (fig.) unsur: wealth is not necessarily a ~ of happiness, kekayaan bukanlah semestinya unsur kebahagiaan; 2. member of a constituency, pengundi; 3. (ling) konstituen. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
illustrative | adj 1. serving to illustrate by example etc, menunjukkan: that remark was ~ of his attitude towards politics, ata-katanya itu menunjukkan sikapnya thdp politik; 2. serving to illustrate by drawings, photographs, etc, ilustrasi, bergambar: the ~ materials are well arranged, bahan-bahan ilustrasi itu tersusun rapi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laughing-stock | n bahan ketawa: he was the ~ of the whole village after what he did, akibat drpd perbuatannya, dia menjadi bahan ketawa di seluruh kampung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
item | 3. (bookkeeping) entry, butiran: this ~ appears twice in my account, butiran ini timbul dua kali dlm akaun saya; ~ of expenditure, butiran perbelanjaan; ~ of capital, butiran modal; 4. paragraph, report (to be) printed in newspaper, etc, berita; news ~, berita: late news ~s are printed in the Stop Press, bahan-bahan berita yg terlewat disiarkan dlm ruang Berita Akhir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carry | s. (in the mouth) menggonggong: the cat carried its kittens in one by one, kucing itu menggonggong anaknya masuk ke dlm, seekor demi seekor; t. (with the fingers) menjinjit, menjinjing; 2. lift, mengangkat: the hoist carries building materials to the upper floors, takal itu mengangkat bahan-bahan binaan ke tingkat-tingkat atas; 3. convey, forward, menyampaikan: to ~ messages, menyampaikan pesan; to ~ complaints to the boss, menyampaikan aduan kpd ketua; 4. conduct, channel, mengalirkan, menyalurkan: a pipe carries the water from the dam to the residential area, sebatang paip mengalirkan air dr empangan ke kawasan perumahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
derivative | n 1. ( ling) bentuk terbitan; 2. (chem) bahan terbitan: petroleum ~, bahan terbitan petroleum; 3. (math) terbitan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ingredient | n 1. component part of mixture etc, bahan, ramuan: put all the ~s into a large bowl, masukkan semua bahan ke dlm mangkuk besar; 2. a. any of the qualities that constitute st, ramuan: his life story has the ~s of a good novel, riwayat hidupnya boleh dijadikan ramuan novel yg baik; the ~s of a long-lasting relationship, ramuan bagi perhubungan yg berkekalan; b. st that brings about a situation, faktor: lack of attention and parental control are the ~s of juvenile delinquency, kurangnya perhatian dan kawalan ibu bapa merupakan faktor kesalahasuhan budak-budak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
butt2 | n 1. object of ridicule or wit, bahan, sasaran: he was the ~ of their jokes, dia menjadi bahan jenaka mereka; 2. (shooting, archery), a. mound stopping bullets or wide shots, benteng; b. target, sasaran; 3. (pl) the shooting range, tempat menembak sasaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
daub | n 1. crude painting, /lukisan, catan/ kasar; 2. wall coating, bahan /turap, lepa, tepek/: a wall of timber and ~, dinding yg dibuat drpd kayu dan bahan turap; 3. dab, smear, /palit, calit/: a few quick ~s and the garden bench will look as good as new, dgn beberapa palit cat sahaja bangku di taman itu akan kelihatan spt baru; to put ~s of plaster on the wall, membubuh beberapa palit lepa pd dinding; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |