Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

hatchetn kapak kecil; bury the ~, berdamai, berbaik-baik semula.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fencen 1. wall-like structure, pagar: wire ~, pagar dawai; come down on one side of the ~, menyokong sebelah pihak; come down on the right side of the ~, berpihak kpd yg menang; mend o’s ~s, berdamai, berbaik-baik semula; /sit, be / on the ~, berkecuali, tdk /berpihak, memihak/ ke mana-mana; 2. (sl) receiver of stolen goods, tukang tadah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
healvi usu ~ up, ~ over, 1. sembuh, baik; (of broken bone) bertaut semula: the wound soon ~ed up, tdk lama luka itu pun sembuh; 2. (fig.) pulih: the rift between them ~ed over and they are now quite friendly, perhubungan yg retak antara mereka sudah pulih dan mereka sekarang berbaik semula;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
findb. become independent, (dapat) berdikari: the organization helps ex-convicts to ~ their feet again, organisasi itu membantu bekas-bekas banduan utk berdikari semula; c. become confident in new surroundings, (mula) bertapak: I’ve only been here for a few weeks so I’m still ~ing my feet, saya di sini baru beberapa minggu, jadi saya masih belum bertapak lagi; ~ it in /os, o’s heart/, (to do st), (force os to do st) memujuk hati, memaksa diri; (bear to do st) tergamak, sampai hati: we ought to be able to ~ it in ourselves to forgive our enemies, kita sepatutnya dapat memujuk hati utk memaafi musuh kita; he had always worked very well and McGregor could not ~ it in his heart to dismiss him, dia sentiasa bekerja dgn baik dan McGregor tdk sampai hati utk memecatnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
good8. clever, talented, bagus, pandai; (in lying, making up stories, etc) pandai: he’s ~ at mathematics, dia bagus dlm matematik; a ~ pretender, orang yg pandai berpura-pura; 9. affording pleasure, seronok; (of news etc) baik: it’s ~ to be home again, alangkah seronoknya berada di rumah semula; have a ~ time, seronok: we had a ~ time at the party, kami seronok di majlis itu; 10. opportune, baik, sesuai: it is a ~ time to ask him for a loan, inilah masa yg baik utk meminjam wang daripadanya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
guaranteeI can’t give any ~ that my father will agree, saya tdk dapat memberikan jaminan bahawa bapa saya akan bersetuju; stand ~ for so., menjamin sso; 2. st valuable offered as security, jaminan: he deposited the deeds to his house as a ~ of repayment of the loan, dia mendepositkan surat ikatan rumahnya sbg jaminan pembayaran semula pinjaman itu; 3. st that promises a certain outcome, jaminan: a degree is not a ~ for a good job, ijazah bukanlah jaminan utk mendapatkan pekerjaan yg baik; in this area blue skies are no ~ of a warm day, di kawasan ini langit yg biru bukanlah jaminan cuaca baik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
indifferentadj 1. a. apathetic, unmoved, bersikap tdk ambil /peduli, kisah/; (foll by “to”, “towards”) tdk /mengendahkan, menghiraukan, mempedulikan/: he is ~ to the misery about him, dia tdk mengendahkan penderitaan di kelilingnya; a man who was completely ~ to danger, lelaki yg sama sekali tdk mengendahkan bahaya; b. having no interest in or preference for one thing over another, tdk (ambil) /kisah, peduli/: we cannot remain ~ in this dispute, kita tdk boleh bersikap tdk ambil peduli dlm pertelingkahan ini; 2. (mediocre) biasa, sederhana; (not very good, fairly bad), /tdk begitu, kurang/ baik: after an ~ meal, we set off again, selepas menikmati jamuan yg sederhana, kami meneruskan perjalanan semula; an ~ player, pemain yg tdk begitu baik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
asthe publisher will have to accept the manuscript ~ it is, penerbit terpaksa menerima naskhah itu dlm keadaan begini saja; ~ of, see ~ from; ~ per, menurut, mengikut; ~ so. /likes, wishes, etc/, /sekehendak, sesuka/ hati sso; ~ though, see ~ if; ~ to, tentang, berkenaan dgn; (preceding pron), [various translations]: ~ to your request for better facilities..., tentang permohonan kamu utk mendapat kemudahan yg lebih baik...; ~ to me, I prefer to wait, kalau saya, saya lebih suka menunggu; ~ to you, I think you’d better leave, kamu pula, lebih baiklah kamu pergi; ~ was, dulunya: Jill Sutanto (Jill Cridland ~ was), Jill Sutanto (dulunya Jill Cridland); ~ you were, balik semula; it is not ~ if, bukan: it’s not ~ if he were ill, dia bukanlah sakit; it looks ~ if..., nampaknya, kelihatan: it looks ~ if the war is going to end soon, nampaknya perang akan tamat tdk lama lagi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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