batik | n 1. (method of fabric printing) pembatikan: a design suitable for ~, corak yg sesuai utk pembatikan; 2. (fabric printed), (kain) batik; 3. (attrib) batik: ~ sarong, kain batik; ~ shirt, baju batik; ~ industry, perusahaan batik; ~ printing, pembatikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jazzy | adj (colloq) flashy, showy, gaudy, hebat: a ~ sports car, kereta sport yg hebat; a ~ batik caftan, kaftan batik yg hebat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fabric | n 1. cloth, kain, fabrik: a beautiful silk ~, kain sutera yg cantik; 2. texture, daging (kain): a batik cloth of fine ~, kain batik yg halus dagingnya; 3. structure, a. rangka (bangunan), struktur: measures to preserve the ~ of the old building, langkah-langkah utk memelihara rangka bangunan lama itu; b. (fig.) struktur, susunan: the ~ of society, struktur masyarakat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hands | crawl on o’s ~ and knees, merangkak; get o’s ~ on, a. obtain, mendapat: do you know where I can get my ~ on an original batik painting?, anda tahu di mana saya boleh mendapat lukisan batik yg tulen?; b. get near enough to seize, hit, etc, menangkap: if I get my ~ on the thief, I’ll strangle him, jika saya dapat menangkap pencuri itu saya akan cekik dia; be good with o’s ~, pandai membuat kerja tangan; have o’s ~ full, be very busy, sangat sibuk: at the end of term teachers will have their ~ full with the correction of papers, writing of reports and the like, pd hujung penggal, guru-guru sangat sibuk menyemak kertas peperiksaan, menulis laporan dan sebagainya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | 18. a. (ref to colour) dalam: the new model comes ~ pink, blue and purple, model baru ini terdapat dalam warna merah jambu, biru dan ungu; b. (ref to variety) dibuat drpd: batik caftans are available ~ cotton or silk in most shops, aftan batik yg dibuat drpd kain kapas atau sutera dapat dibeli dr kebanyakan kedai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eye | catch so’s ~, a. (of person) menarik perhatian sso: she tried to ~ his eyes to tell him that she had found the keys, dia mencuba menarik perhatiannya utk memberitahunya bahawa kunci itu telah dijumpai; b. (of thing) menarik perhatian sso, perhatian sso tertarik pd: an unusual batik design caught his ~, corak batik yg luar biasa menarik perhatiannya or perhatiannya tertarik pd corak batik yg luar biasa; /close, shut/ o’s ~s to, menutup mata: you can’t close your ~s to what has been happening, kamu tdk boleh menutup mata thdp apa yg telah berlaku; couldn’t believe o’s ~s, rasa tak percaya: she couldn’t believe her ~s when she saw a monkey in her kitchen, dia rasa tdk percaya apabila ternampak seekor monyet di dlm dapurnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amateur | n 1. non-professional, amatur: he played tennis as an ~ for many years, sudah bertahun-tahun dia bermain tenis sbg seorang amatur; ~ golf, golf amatur; 2. non-expert, amatur, tdk mahir: although he tried hard to master the game, he remained an ~, walaupun dia mencuba sedaya upaya utk menguasai permainan itu, namun dia masih juga amatur; 3. one who is fond of, peminat: an ~ of the art of batik painting, seorang peminat seni lukis batik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ down to, a. reach, sampai ke: her hair ~s down to just below the ears, rambutnya sampai ke cuping telinga; their land ~s down to the foot of the hill, tanah mereka sampai ke kaki bukit; b. boil down to, berpokok pd: it all ~s down to jealousy, semuanya berpokok pd rasa cemburu; when it ~s down to, apabila kita bercakap ttg: when it ~s down to batik design, no one can match him, apabila kita bercakap ttg reka bentuk batik, tiada seorang pun yg dapat menandinginya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |