carry | ~ so. away, (fig.), (act. & pass.) sso terbawa-bawa: he was carried away by his emotions, dia terbawa-bawa oleh perasaannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carry | ~ st forward, (accounting) bawa ke hadapan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bring | ~ /so., st/ along, membawa /bersama, sekali/ /sso, sst/: ~ your swimsuit along, bawa bersama baju renang kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bill1 | n 1. statement of charges, bil: ask the waiter to bring the ~, minta pelayan itu bawa bil; electricity ~, bil elektrik; 2. see BILL OF EXCHANGE; 3. (US) banknote, wang kertas: a ten-dollar ~, wang kertas sepuluh dolar; 4. printed public notice or advertisement, pelekat: stick no ~s, dilarang menampalkan pelekat; 5. draft of proposed law, rang undang-undang: to /propose, pass/ a ~, /mengusulkan, meluluskan/ rang undang-undang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bearer | n 1. carrier (gen) pembawa; 2. carrier of equipment etc (as in expedition) pembawa (barang), tukang /bawa, pikul/ (barang); 3. carrier of coffin, palanquin, stretcher, etc, pengusung; 4. presenter of cheque, letter, etc, pembawa: the ~ of this letter, pembawa surat ini; a cheque payable to ~, cek utk dibayar kpd pembawanya; 5. courier (of news) pembawa: the ~ of good news, pembawa berita baik; 6. holder of position, office, etc, pemegang: office ~, pemegang jawatan; 7. support under floor, gelegar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beer | n 1. (alcoholic drink) bir; 2. glass of beer, (gelas) bir: two ~s, please, tolong bawa dua (gelas) bir; we had several ~s, kami minum beberapa gelas bir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hop 1 | ~ in, (colloq) get in a car, masuk(lah), naik(lah): ~ in, I’ll drive you there, masuklah, saya akan bawa kamu ke sana; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bring | ~ so. in, membawa sso masuk: his secretary brought the visitors in, setiausahanya membawa pelawat-pelawat itu masuk; ~ (st) in, a. cause st to come in, membawa sst masuk: ~ in another plate please, tolong bawa masuk satu pinggan lagi; b. gather st, memungut sst: the farmers are ~ing the apples in early this year, tahun ini peladang-peladang memungut epal awal; c. produce st, /menghasilkan, membawa masuk/ sst: income tax ~s in millions of dollars, cukai pendapatan membawa masuk berjuta-juta dolar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
job | ~s for the boys, (colloq & derog), (amalan) tolong-tolong kawan dan saudara: no more ~s for the boys, only work for those who are capable and qualified, amalan tolong-tolong kawan dan saudara tdk wujud lagi, dan kerja akan diberikan hanya kpd mereka yg berkebolehan serta berkelayakan; (and) a good /~, thing/ too, (colloq), (used by speaker to show he approves of or is pleased by some news etc), /eloklah, baguslah/ tu: “I brought along two pairs of jungle boots” “A good ~ too. I forgot to bring mine!”, “Saya bawa dua pasang but hutan” “Eloklah tu. Saya terlupa bawa but saya!”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incidentally | adv 1. by chance, secara kebetulan: the subject was ~ mentioned during the conversation, perkara itu disentuh secara kebetulan semasa perbualan tersebut; 2. by the way, oh ya: ~, don’t forget to bring the book, oh ya, jangan lupa bawa buku itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |