Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : a) di bawah permukaan bumi, dlm tanah; b) sulit, gelap (bkn gerakan dll); (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

Definisi : a. dlm tanah. b. gelap atau rahsia (ttg gerakan dsb). (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
tanah (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan daratan, benua, bumi, ardi, bentala, butala;,
Kata Terbitan : bertanah, mengetanahkan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

dungeonn kurungan bawah tanah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
catacombn kubur bawah tanah, katakom.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
basementn underground storey, tingkat bawah tanah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cellarn 1. (room) bilik (di) bawah tanah; 2. stock of wine, simpanan wain: he keeps an excellent ~, dia mempunyai simpanan wain yg amat baik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
down1~ below, di bawah; (in the basement) di tingkat bawah tanah; (in the hold of a ship) di palka; ~ in the dumps, (colloq) murung: whenever I feel ~ in the dumps I’ll go for a walk on the beach, apabila saya berasa murung saya pergi berjalan-jalan di tepi pantai; ~ to, a. be left with, (hanya) tinggal: I’m ~ to my last $10, saya hanya tinggal $10; b. also right ~ to, up to and including all the rest in between, (se)hingga ke: all the school’s headmasters, from the founder ~ to the present incumbent, have laid great emphasis on sports, semua guru besar sekolah itu, drpd pengasasnya hinggalah ke penjawat kini, telah memberikan tekanan thdp sukan; she notices everything about a person right ~ to the brand of shoes he’s wearing, dia memerhatikan sso begitu menyeluruh sehingga ke jenama kasut yg dipakainya; ~ under, (colloq) in Australia or New Zealand, di /Australia, New Zealand/; D~ with, Hapuskan: D~ with all traitors!, Hapuskan semua pengkhianat!; (come, go) ~ with,Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
floodvi 1. be covered with water, banjir, bah: the cellar ~s every time it rains heavily, bilik bawah tanah banjir setiap kali hujan lebat; 2. rise and spill over, banjir, bah: the river ~s every year, sungai itu banjir setiap tahun; 3. pour, membanjiri: the townspeople ~ed into the square, penduduk bandar itu membanjiri medan tersebut; complaints ~ed into the editor’s office, aduan-aduan membanjiri pejabat editor; 4. spill, melimpah: when she drew the curtains, bright sunlight ~ed into the room, apabila dia membuka langsir, cahaya matahari yg terang melimpah masuk ke dlm bilik itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
airn 1. gaseous substance enveloping earth, udara: to breathe in the mountain ~, menyedut udara gunung; the stale ~ in the cellar, udara hapak di bilik bawah tanah; ~ pressure, tekanan udara; 2. space above the earth, udara, angkasa, awang-awang(an): birds of the ~, burung-burung udara; battles fought in the ~, pertempuran yg berlaku di udara; Bombay seen from the ~, Bombay dilihat dr udara; 3. rel to flying or aircraft, udara: ~ freight, kargo udara; ~ travel, perjalanan dgn pesawat udara, penerbangan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
down1adv 1. (indic a low or lower than usual level) a. (gen), [no specif translation]: what’s going on ~ there?, apa yg berlaku di bawah sana?; he is ~ in the basement, dia berada di tingkat bawah tanah; ~ at the bottom of the lake, nun jauh di dasar tasik; the blinds are ~, bidai itu telah diturunkan; b. downstairs, sudah turun: it’s still very early, so no one is ~ yet, masih terlalu awal, jadi tdk ada sesiapa yg sudah turun; c. below the horizon, (telah) /jatuh, terbenam/: the sun is ~, matahari telah terbenam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bornc. having stated name from birth, /lahir, dilahirkan/ dgn nama: she was ~ Norma Jean, dia dilahirkan dgn nama Norma Jean; d. be destined from birth, ditakdirkan: ~ to be king, ditakdirkan menjadi raja; e. come into existence, lahir: the underground movement was ~ in the early years of the war, gerakan bawah tanah itu lahir pd tahun-tahun awal peperangan; ~ and bred, dilahirkan dan dibesarkan: he was ~ and bred a Muslim, dia dilahirkan dan dibesarkan sbg orang Islam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ground 1 n 1. land surface, tanah, bumi: the bomb hit the ~ and exploded, bom itu jatuh ke tanah lalu meletup; he was hanging from a tree branch and his feet didn’t touch the ~, dia tergantung di dahan pokok dan kakinya tdk mencecah bumi; ~ - to - air missile, luncuran bumi ke udara; above ~, permukaan /tanah, bumi/; below (the) ~, bawah tanah; 2. soil, earth, tanah: the ~ was too hard for him to dig, tanah itu terlalu keras utk digalinya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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