land-breeze | n bayu darat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gentle breeze | n (metereol) bayu lembut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
air | 4. breeze, angin, bayu; 5. personal bearing, manner, gaya, lagak: with an ~ of importance, dgn gaya orang penting; with a lofty ~, dgn lagak sombong; 6. confident bearing, gaya /amat yakin, penuh keyakinan/: she stood, then spoke with an ~ of confidence, dia bangun lalu berucap dgn gaya penuh keyakinan; 7. outward appearance, aura, suasana: an ~ of opulence, suasana kemewahan; 8. (mus) air; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breeze | n 1. gentle wind, bayu, angin sepoi-sepoi (bahasa); 2. wind, angin: sea ~, angin laut; strong ~, angin kencang; 3. (sl) quarrel, perkelahian, pertengkaran; 4. (sl) easy task, kacang saja, (kerja) /senang, mudah/ saja: learning that language is a ~, belajar bahasa itu mudah saja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breeze | vi 1. (of wind) blow, berpuput, bertiup: it ~d from the west all day, bayu berpuput dr barat sepanjang hari; 2. move quickly or casually, meluncur: he ~d into the room, dia meluncur ke dlm bilik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flicker | vi 1. shine unsteadily, berkelip-kelip, berkedip-kedip: the candle ~ed in the breeze, lilin itu berkelip-kelip ditiup bayu; 2. move unsteadily, flutter, a. (of eyes) berkedip-kedip, berkelip-kelip; b. (of shadow) meliuk-liuk; c. (of leaves, snake’s tongue, etc) bergetar-getar: the speedometer needle ~ed around the 90 kph mark, jarum meter laju itu bergetar-getar di sekitar 90 ksj; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | vt 1. drive with a current of air, meniup: the boat was ~n ashore by the wind, bot itu ditiup angin ke pantai; a sudden breeze blew the smoke into the house, bayu tiba-tiba meniup asap itu ke dlm rumah; 2. expel through the mouth or nose, menghembuskan: he blew smoke rings, dia menghembuskan kepulan-kepulan asap; 3. clear or empty by forcing air through, menghembus: to ~ o’s nose, menghembus hidung; 4. cause to sound by blowing, meniup: the hunter blew his horn, pemburu itu meniup tetuangnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fresh | 4. new, another and different, baru: he took a ~ sheet of paper and started again, dia mengambil sehelai kertas baru dan bermula kembali; he saw ~ sights everyday, dia melihat pemandangan baru setiap hari; 5. more, further, lagi: can you please make me a ~ pot of coffee?, bolehkah buatkan saya seteko kopi lagi?; 6. (of water) not salty, tawar: fish bred in ~ water, ikan yg diternakkan dlm air tawar; 7. bright and clear, segar: a ~ morning in spring, pagi yg segar pd musim bunga; 8. cool, invigorating, segar, nyaman: a ~ breeze, bayu segar; he went out into the ~ morning air, dia keluar utk menghirup udara pagi yg segar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |