as | the publisher will have to accept the manuscript ~ it is, penerbit terpaksa menerima naskhah itu dlm keadaan begini saja; ~ of, see ~ from; ~ per, menurut, mengikut; ~ so. /likes, wishes, etc/, /sekehendak, sesuka/ hati sso; ~ though, see ~ if; ~ to, tentang, berkenaan dgn; (preceding pron), [various translations]: ~ to your request for better facilities..., tentang permohonan kamu utk mendapat kemudahan yg lebih baik...; ~ to me, I prefer to wait, kalau saya, saya lebih suka menunggu; ~ to you, I think you’d better leave, kamu pula, lebih baiklah kamu pergi; ~ was, dulunya: Jill Sutanto (Jill Cridland ~ was), Jill Sutanto (dulunya Jill Cridland); ~ you were, balik semula; it is not ~ if, bukan: it’s not ~ if he were ill, dia bukanlah sakit; it looks ~ if..., nampaknya, kelihatan: it looks ~ if the war is going to end soon, nampaknya perang akan tamat tdk lama lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ out, a. leave house, shelter, etc, keluar: don’t ~ out in this weather, jangan keluar dlm cuaca begini; he is too shy to ~ out with girls, dia terlalu malu utk keluar dgn gadis-gadis; b. (of light, fire) become extinguished, padam, mati: the light went out before I could find my keys, lampu itu padam sebelum saya menjumpai anak kunci saya; the fire went out, api itu padam; c. (of tide) surut: the tide has ~ne out, air sudah surut | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | 7. be expressed, a. (of song) berbunyi: the song ~es like this, lagu itu berbunyi begini; b. (of story) mengikut, menurut: he was the black sheep of the family, so the story ~es, menurut cerita dia kambing hitam dlm keluarganya; 8. lead in the direction of, menuju, menghala: this road ~es to the town centre, jalan ini menuju ke pusat bandar; 9. disappear, hilang; (of hope) lenyap: my headache has ~ne, sakit kepala saya sudah hilang; 10. be used up, habis: our food reserves are ~ne, bekalan makanan kita sudah habis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
f ag1 | n (colloq) drudgery, bosan, membosankan: what a ~!, bosan betul!; in this hot weather everything seems a ~, dlm cuaca panas begini segala-galanya membosankan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
helpless | adj tdk /berdaya, berupaya/: the ~ prisoners of war, tahanan perang yg tdk berdaya itu; I feel ~ in these circumstances, saya berasa tdk berupaya dlm keadaan begini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
environment | n 1. surroundings, persekitaran: you can’t bring up healthy children in an ~ like this, kamu tdk dapat membesarkan kanak-kanak yg sihat dlm persekitaran begini; they will have to adapt quickly to their new ~, mereka mestilah cepat-cepat menyesuaikan diri dgn persekitaran mereka; 2. natural conditions in which people, plants and animals live, alam sekitar, persekitaran: the government will take steps to prevent the pollution of the ~, kerajaan akan mengambil langkah-langkah mencegah pencemaran alam sekitar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
damp | adj lembap: a cold ~ floor, lantai yg sejuk dan lembap; his hands were ~ with sweat, tangannya lembap oleh peluh; in this ~ weather, dlm cuaca yg lembap begini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
last 1 | 3. endure, survive, tahan; (of person) bertahan: cut flowers won’t ~ in this heat, bunga yg telah dipotong dr pokoknya tdk tahan dlm panas begini; quality goods usually ~, barang-barang bermutu tinggi biasanya tahan; these houses were really built to ~, rumah-rumah ini memang dibina supaya tahan; the doctor does not expect him to ~ much longer, doktor tdk fikir dia dapat bertahan lebih lama lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irritable | adj 1. easily annoyed, /lekas, cepat/ marah; (of child) meragam: he always gets ~ on a hot and sticky day like this, dia selalu lekas marah apabila cuaca panas dan lembap begini; 2. (pathol) excessively sensitive to stimuli, irritant, rengsa: ~ colon, kolon yg rengsa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circumstance | e in easy ~, hidup senang; be in flourishing ~s, hidup mewah; be in reduced ~s, hidup susah; /in, under/ no ~s, jangan sekali-kali; /in, under/ the ~s, dlm keadaan /begini, begitu, demikian/; pomp and ~, penuh kebesaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |