mottled | adj bercapuk-capuk, berbelak-belak; (of complexion, esp because of emotion) merah padam: a man with a somewhat ~ complexion, lelaki yg mempunyai kulit muka yg berbelak-belak; tortoise-shell in ~ shades of brown and biege, kulit | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blotchy | adj 1. marked with irregular spots, bertompok-tompok; 2. marked with discoloured patches, berbelak-belak, bercapuk-capuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blotch | n 1. irregular spot, mark, tompok: there were red ~es on her skin, terdapat tompok-tompok merah pd kulitnya; ~es of ink on the wall, tompok-tompok dakwat pd dinding; 2. discoloured patch on skin, belak, capuk; /full of, covered with/ ~es, berbelak-belak, bercapuk-capuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |