trip-wire | <i>ni> (tali) belantik: <i>a concealed ~,i> tali belantik yg disembunyikan | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
trap | <i>ni> 1. <i>device for catching animals,i> perangkap; (<i>noose, snarei>) jerat; (<i>cage, for birdsi>) jebak; (<i>pit, for big gamei>) serling; (<i>sprung, for big game or humansi>) belantik; (<i>portable, for fish, crabs, etci>) bubu; (<i>largeri>) lukah; (<i>fixed, in river or estuaryi>) belat; (<i>in open seai>) kelong: <i>the hunter set his ~ near the river,i> pemburu itu memasang perangkapnya dekat sungai; <i>the villagers dug a ~ for the wild boar,i> penduduk kampung itu menggali serling utk menangkap babi hutan; <i>there were several lobsters in the ~,i> ada beberapa ekor udang kara dlm lukah itu; <i>the ~s are designed to catch fish as they swim towards land with the rising tide,i> kelong direka utk menangkap ikan yg menuju ke darat mengikut air pasang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |