deck | vt also ~ out, 1. decorate, menghias(i), memperhias: to ~ a hall with balloons, menghias dewan dgn belon-belon; to ~ the streets with banners, menghias jalan-jalan raya dgn panji-panji; 2. dress up, (act.) menghias; (pass.) menghias diri, berhias: they were ~ed in their finest clothes, mereka menghias diri dgn pakaian yg indah-indah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hot air balloon | n belon udara panas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
balloon | n st (to be) filled with air, gas, belon; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deflate | vi mengempis, menjadi kempis: the balloon ~d, belon itu mengempis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
balloon | vi 1. ascend, travel in a balloon, naik belon; 2. swell out, menggelembung, menggembung, mengembung, mengepuh, melembung: her skirt ~ed in the wind, skirtnya menggelembung ditiup angin; 3. (of ball) go high into the air, melambung tinggi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ascent | make an ~, a. rise, naik: to make an ~ in a balloon, naik dgn belon; b. climb, mendaki, memanjat, menaiki; c. go upstream, memudiki. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
descend | vi 1. move, go down, turun; (of sun) turun, tergelincir, jatuh: the balloon ~ed slowly, belon itu turun dgn perlahan-lahan; 2. slope, menurun: the path ~ed steeply down the mountainside, laluan itu menurun dgn curamnya di lereng gunung; 3. be inherited, diwariskan: all property will ~ to the eldest son, semua harta akan diwariskan kpd anak lelaki sulung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drift | vi 1. be carried along by current of air, a. (of balloon, kite, etc) melayang-layang: the balloon ~ed a long way off course, belon itu melayang-layang jauh dr laluannya; b. (of smoke from a chimney) keluar: a column of smoke ~ed from the chimney, kepulan asap keluar dr serombong itu; c. (of clouds) berarak: the clouds ~ed across the sky, awan berarak di langit; d. (of sound) sayup-sayup kedengaran; e. (of smell) terbau, tercium, terhidu: a delicious smell ~ed from the kitchen, tercium bau sedap yg datangnya dr dapur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
afloat | adj & adv 1. floating, terapung(-apung): there was something ~ in the middle of the lake, ada sst yg terapung-apung di tasik itu; the balloon was ~ all afternoon, belon itu terapung-apung sepanjang petang; 2. at sea, di laut: he spent many years ~, bertahun-tahun dia di laut; life ~, kehidupan seorang pelaut; 3. flooded, /digenangi, dibanjiri/ air: the decks were ~ after the storm, geladak itu digenangi air selepas ribut; 4. adrift, (fig.) terapung-apung: to be ~ in a sea of indecision, terapung-apung krn tdk dapat membuat keputusan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burst | vt 1. cause to break open, apart, into pieces, etc, memecahkan; (not deliberately, or when subject is not person) menyebabkan [sst] pecah, [sst] pecah: he ~ the balloon with a pin, dia memecahkan belon itu dgn peniti; the blow ~ a blood-vessel in his leg, pukulan itu menyebabkan saluran darah pd kakinya pecah or saluran darah pd kakinya pecah akibat pukulan itu; the river will ~ its banks, tebing sungai itu akan pecah; 2. cause to explode, menyebabkan [sst] meletup, [sst] meletup: the lorry ~ a tyre at the corner, tayar lori itu meletup di selekoh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |