limpid | adj 1. clear, transparent, a.(of liquid, eye) jernih, bening, hening: a shallow ~ stream, anak sungai yg cetek dan jernih; the cat’s eyes were like ~ pools, mata kucing itu spt kolam yg jernih; b. (of sky, air) bersih: sunny ~ skies, langit yg cerah dan bersih; 2. (of speech, prose) easy to understand, jelas: expressed in simple and ~ prose, disampaikan dlm bentuk prosa yg mudah dan jelas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
limpid | adj 1. clear, transparent, a.(of liquid, eye) jernih, bening, hening: a shallow ~ stream, anak sungai yg cetek dan jernih; the cat’s eyes were like ~ pools, mata kucing itu spt kolam yg jernih; b. (of sky, air) bersih: sunny ~ skies, langit yg cerah dan bersih; 2. (of speech, prose) easy to understand, jelas: expressed in simple and ~ prose, disampaikan dlm bentuk prosa yg mudah dan jelas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
transparent | adj 1. allowing light to pass through, (tech)lut sinar; (of cloth) jarang; (of water) jernih, hening, bening: this liquid should not be stored in containers made of glass or other ~ material, cecair ini janganlah disimpan dlm bekas yg dibuat drpd kaca atau bahan lut sinar yg lain; window curtains of thin, ~ material, langsir tingkap drpd kain yg nipis dan jarang; the water was so ~ that we could see right down to the bottom, airnya begitu jernih sekali hingga kami dapat melihat dasarnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |