contend | vi compete (for prize, title, power, etc) beradu, bertanding; (in business) bersaing: the boxers are ~ing for the world title, petinju-petinju itu bertanding utk merebut gelaran sedunia; our firm is too small to ~ against the international companies, firma kami terlalu kecil utk bersaing dgn syarikat-syarikat antarabangsa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
asleep | adj 1. in a state of sleep, tidur; (of royalty) beradu; (unintentionally) tertidur, terlena, terlelap: the baby is ~ at last, akhirnya bayi itu tidur; to be sound ~, tidur nyenyak; he was ~ on his feet, dia tertidur sambil berdiri; 2. dormant, inactive, tidur, tdk aktif, kelesa: an organization that is weak and usually ~,sebuah pertubuhan yg lemah dan sentiasa tidur; 3. numb, kebas: my foot is ~, kaki saya kebas; 4. (euphem) dead, menutup mata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
asleep | adj; fall ~, a. also drop ~, into a state of sleep, (ter)tidur, terlena, terlelap; (of royalty) beradu: he fell ~ during the meeting, dia tertidur semasa mesyuarat sedang berlangsung; b. into a state of inactivity, tidur, menjadi /tdk aktif, kelesa/; c. (euphem) into the state of death, menutup mata; lay ~, tidur, lena; be /fast, sound/ ~, tidur /lelap, lena, nyenyak/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |