exodus | n 1. (fml or jocular), (from one place to another place) beramai-ramai meninggalkan; (to a place) pergi beramai-ramai: every summer sees an ~ of people from the cities to the beaches, setiap musim panas orang beramai-ramai meninggalkan kota utk pergi ke pantai; the ~ of people to the country, orang pergi beramai-ramai ke desa; 2. (Christianity) Exodus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drove1 | n herd, flock, kawanan: a ~ of cattle, kawanan lembu; in ~s, beramai-ramai, berduyun-duyun; (of animals) berkawan-kawan: voters came in ~s, pengundi-pengundi datang beramai-ramai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
horde | n 1. crowd, throng, begitu/ ramai, banyak/: ~s of people poured out of the stadium, orang yg begitu ramai berduyun-duyun keluar dr stadium; in ~s, beramai-ramai; 2. multitude (of insects) tdk terkira banyaknya: ~s of mosquitoes rose from the swamp, nyamuk yg tdk terkira banyaknya telah berterbangan keluar dr paya itu; 3. nomadic tribe, gerombolan: the Gypsy ~, gerombolan Gipsi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
authentic | adj 1. genuine, not copied, tulen; (of signature) sah: an ~ Goya, lukisan Goya yg tulen; an ~ signature, tandatangan yg sah; 2. reliable, trustworthy, boleh dipercayai: an ~ account of the massacre, laporan pembunuhan beramai-ramai yg boleh dipercayai; 3. (mus) tulen: ~ cadence, kaden tulen. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invariably | n 1. attack, pelanggaran, penyerangan, serangan: the ~ of Sicily by the allied forces, serangan ke atas Siciliy oleh pasukan kuasa bersekutu; 2. unwanted arrival, intrusion, kedatangan (yg mengganggu): this ~ of my place by my room-mate’s cronies annoyed me, saya berasa jengkel dgn kedatangan kawan rapat teman sebilik saya; ~ of privacy, mengganggu /hak kebersendirian, privasi/; 3. influx, a. (of people) kedatangan beramai-ramai ke, membanjiri: the ~ of idyllic beaches by holiday-makers, orang-orang bercuti yg membanjiri pantai-pantai yg indah; b. (of books, films, etc) pembanjiran, membanjiri: there was a growing public concern over the ~ of the market by Japanese cars, orang ramai makin mengambil berat ttg pembanjiran kereta Jepun di pasaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |