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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata berapi 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

fieryadj 1. flaming with fire, berapi: ~ clouds of smoke billowed from the burning building, kepulan asap yg berapi keluar bergumpal-gumpal dr bangunan itu; 2. hot as fire, panas /macam, spt/ api: her forehead was ~ to the touch, dahinya panas macam api apabila disentuh; 3. blazing red, merah menyala: a ~ sunset, matahari terbenam yg merah menyala; a drunken farmer with a ~ red face, petani yg mabuk yg mukanya merah menyala; 4. (of eyes) flashing, berapi-api, bernyala-nyala; 5. producing a burning sensation, pedas berdesing: a ~ curry, kari yg pedas berdesing; 6. passionate, spirited, berapi-api: a ~ speech, ucapan yg berapi-api; his ~ temper, kemarahannya yg berapi-api.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blaze1vi 1. also ~ away, ~ up, burn brightly, memarak, bernyala dgn marak: the bonfire was still blazing, unggun api itu masih memarak; 2. shine brightly, ( of the sun ) memancar terik; (of light) bersinar terang-benderang: the sun was blazing overhead, mata hari sedang memancar terik; lights were blazing in the house, lampu-lampu bersinar terang-benderang di rumah itu; 3. be bright with colour, bersemarak: the flower show ~d with colour, pertunjukan bunga itu bersemarak dgn warna-warni; 4. burn with intense feeling, berapi-api, bernyala-nyala: his eyes ~d with anger, matanya berapi-api krn marah; 5. also ~ up, flare, memarak: enmity ~d up again between them, permusuhan memarak semula antara mereka;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blaze1n 1. strong, bright flame, api (yg marak): the ~ could be seen for miles, api itu dapat dilihat berbatu-batu jauhnya; burst into a ~, memarak; 2. fire, (consuming building etc) api (kebakaran): the firemen managed to put out the ~, pasukan bomba berjaya memadamkan api kebakaran itu; be in a ~, dijilat api; 3. brilliance, (of lights, colour) bersemarak: the flower-beds were a ~ of reds, violets and yellows, batas-batas bunga itu bersemarak dgn warna merah, ungu dan kuning; 4. intense outburst (of feelings), [approp n] yg /berapi-api, bernyala-nyala, meluap-luap/: a ~ of anger, kemarahan yg berapi-api; a ~ of patriotism, semangat patriotik yg meluap-luap;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blaze1~ fire, bernyala-nyala, berapi-api: his eyes ~d fire, matanya bernyala-nyala;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flamingadj 1. blazing, bernyala: a ~ log fell out of the fire, sepuntung kayu yg bernyala jatuh dr perapian; 2. very bright, menyala; (of sky, sunset) merah menyala, bersemarak: a ~ red dress, baju yg warnanya merah menyala; 3. heated, berapi-api: a ~ row, pertengkaran yg berapi-api; be in a ~ temper, sedang naik darah; 4. (colloq) damned, celaka: where’s my ~ passport, di mana pasport celaka aku?.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
disgorgevt 1. vomit, memuntahkan: a volcano disgorging lava, gunung berapi yg memuntahkan lava; 2. (colloq) give up, hand back, menyerahkan kembali: to ~ ill-gotten gains, menyerahkan kembali keuntungan yg diperoleh secara haram; 3. pour out, melimpah; (crowds of people) berduyun-duyun keluar: the burst pipes ~d gallons of water, bergelen-gelen air melimpah dr paip-paip yg bocor; to ~ /itself, its waters/ into, melimpah ke: the Mississippi ~s its waters into the Gulf of Mexico, air sungai Mississippi melimpah ke Teluk Mexico.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
centren 1. the middle part, bahagian tengah: the depressed ~ of the crater, bahagian tengah kawah gunung berapi yg lekuk; in the ~, a. at a point or position in the middle, di tengah-tengah; b. in the middle part or area, di bahagian tengah; 2. (math & science) pusat: ~ of a circle, pusat bulatan; ~ of oscillation, pusat ayunan; 3. principal point of some activity, pusat:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
eruptvi 1. (of volcano) emit rocks, lava, etc, meletup, meletus: the volcano ~ed before dawn, gunung berapi itu meletup sebelum subuh; 2. break out, meletus: riots ~ed in the major cities causing the government to declare a state of emergency, rusuhan meletus di bandar-bandar utama, menyebabkan kerajaan mengisytiharkan keadaan darurat; the tense situation could ~ into war, keadaan yg tegang itu mungkin meletus menjadi peperangan; 3. (colloq) become extremely angry, meletup: he ~ed when I told him how much I paid for the dress, dia meletup apabila saya memberitahunya berapa harga baju itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
battle royaln 1. battle involving several combatants, /pertempuran, pertarungan/ besar-besaran; 2. violent argument, /perdebatan, pertengkaran/ /hangat, berapi-api/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
afireadj & adv 1. terbakar: the house was ~, rumah itu terbakar; set (st) ~, membakar sst; 2. (fig.) meluap-luap, berapi-api: he was ~ with enthusiasm for the proposed project, semangatnya thdp projek yg dicadangkan itu meluap-luap.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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