disgust | vt membuat [sso] berasa /meluat, menyampah/; (caused by unpleasant sight, smell, etc) berasa jijik: his jokes ~ed her, jenaka lelaki itu membuatnya berasa meluat; I was ~ed by the sight of rotting corpses, saya berasa jijik melihat mayat yg sedang reput itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disconcert | vt (act.) menyebabkan [sso] berasa kurang senang; (pass.) berasa kurang senang: the guests were ~ed by his rudeness, tetamu berasa kurang senang krn kebiadabannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feel | ~ free, a. feel comfortable, berasa selesa: he felt a lot freer after he took his jacket off, dia berasa lebih selesa selepas menanggalkan jaketnya; b. feel lack of control, limitation, berasa bebas: after she left the boarding school, she felt free, selepas meninggalkan sekolah berasrama, dia berasa bebas; c. (imper) jangan /segan-segan, malu-malu/: ~ free to help yourself from the fridge, jangan malu-malu utk mengambil apa saja dr peti ais; ~ like, (colloq) rasa nak: she felt like slapping his face, dia rasa nak tampar muka lelaki itu; ~ o’s way, a. berjalan meraba-raba; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
embarrassed | adj 1. abashed, (berasa) malu: he was ~ by his mistakes, dia berasa malu akibat kesalahannya; I always feel ~ when speaking in public, saya selalu berasa malu apabila bercakap di khalayak ramai; 2. in financial difficulties, kesesakan wang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appalled | adj 1. horrified, (berasa) gerun; (by brutality, gruesome sight), (berasa) ngeri: she stood ~ when she saw how high up we were, dia berdiri gerun melihat betapa tinggi kami berada; they were ~ at the sight of the mutilated bodies, mereka berasa ngeri melihat tubuh-tubuh yg telah dicencang-cencang itu; 2. shocked, terkejut, terperanjat: I was quite ~ to hear that he had been sacked, saya agak terkejut mendengar (bahawa) dia telah dibuang kerja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grudge | vt a. feel resentful about, berasa tdk senang (thdp): she ~s Mary having so many admirers, dia berasa tdk senang Mary mempunyai ramai peminat; I don’t ~ him his wealth, saya tidaklah berasa tdk senang terhadapnya krn kekayaannya; b. give, do, etc very reluctantly (to) tdk merelakan: she ~d every penny she had to spend on her mother-in-law, dia tdk merelakan setiap sen yg dibelanjakannya utk ibu mentuanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ash-bin | adj (berasa) malu: he was ~ that he couldn’t pay the rent, dia malu krn tak dapat membayar sewa; you ought to feel ~ of yourself, kamu patut berasa malu akan diri kamu; he was not ~ of his tears, dia tdk malu menangis; /be, feel/ ~ for so., turut (berasa) malu: I am ~ for you, saya turut berasa malu; /be, feel/ ~ of, (occurring at the end of sentence) dimalukan: there is nothing to be ~ of, tdk ada apa-apa yg patut dimalukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blush | at first ~, (old use) sepintas lalu; put so. to the ~, menyebabkan sso berasa malu; spare so’s ~es, (colloq) tdk membuat sso berasa malu; (imper) jangan buat sso berasa malu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disenchanted | adj (berasa) kecewa: he was ~ with the movement, dia berasa kecewa dgn pergerakan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elegiac | in o’s ~, berasa selesa; out of o’s ~, berasa /canggung, kekok/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |