faint | adj 1. indistinct, a. (of light) kelam, malap: in the ~ light of the moon, dlm cahaya bulan yg kelam; b. (of sound) perlahan, tdk jelas: she heard a ~ noise downstairs, dia terdengar bunyi yg tdk jelas dr bawah; c. (of shape, outline) samar-samar, berbalam(-balam): the ~ outline of a ship on the horizon, bentuk kapal yg samar-samar di kaki langit; d. (of writing etc) pudar, kabur, kelam: there were ~ inscriptions on the wall, terdapat inskripsi yg pudar pd dinding itu; e. (of colours) kelihatan samar-samar: the curtains were blue with a ~ tinge of green, langsir itu berwarna biru dan terdapat warna hijau (yg kelihatan) samar-samar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |