fusty | adj 1. musty, mouldy, (berbau) hapak: the attic was ~, loteng itu berbau hapak; 2. old-fashioned, kolot: a ~ old professor, profesor tua yg kolot. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
garlicky | adj 1. having smell of garlic, berbau bawang putih: there is always a ~ smell in her kitchen, dapurnya selalu berbau bawang putih; 2. having taste of garlic, berasa bawang putih: a ~ dish, hidangan yg berasa bawang putih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aromatic | adj 1. fragrant, spicy, berbau /harum, wangi, sedap/; (of smell) harum, wangi, sedap: an ~ concoction of herbs, campuran herba yg berbau harum; the ~ smell of pine trees, bau harum pokok pain; 2. of organic compounds, aromatik: ~ acid, asid aromatik; ~ alcohol, alkohol aromatik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fragrant | adj (berbau) harum, wangi, semerbak: the room was ~ with roses, bilik itu harum dgn bau bunga mawar; ~ talcum powder, bedak talkum yg harum. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beery | adj 1. of, like beer, spt bir: a ~ smell, bau spt (bau) bir; a ~ taste, rasa spt bir; 2. smelling of beer, berbau bir: ~ breath, nafas yg berbau bir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foul | adj 1. filthy, kotor: a bundle of ~ rags, seikat kain buruk yg kotor; the store was ~, bilik stor itu kotor; 2. stinking, (berbau) busuk: a ~ -smelling drain, longkang yg berbau busuk; his breath was ~, nafasnya busuk; 3. (in taste) dahsyat (rasanya): this medicine tastes ~, ubat ini rasanya dahsyat; 4. wicked, evil, kejam: a ~ crime, jenayah kejam; a ~ murder, pembunuhan kejam; 5. obscene, cabul: his language was ~, bahasanya cabul; she has a ~ mind, fikirannya cabul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fruity | adj 1. resembling fruit, a. (in taste) berasa buah: the wine has a ~ taste, wain itu berasa buah; b. (in smell) berbau buah: a ~ fragrance, haruman yg berbau buah; 2. (colloq), (of voice) mellow, rich, dalam; 3. (colloq) funny in a semi-indecent way, blu: a ~ joke, jenaka blu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breath | n 1. air inhaled and exhaled, nafas: his ~ smells bad, nafasnya berbau busuk; 2. respiration, pernafasan; 3. light current (of air), [not translated]: there’s hardly a ~ of air, tdk ada angin sedikit pun; 4. suggestion, whisper, sedikit pun; (of scandal) bau-bau: there wasn’t a ~ of suspicion about her , sedikit pun tdk ada rasa curiga terhadapnya ; 5. slight sign, tanda: there’s a ~ of spring in the air, terdapat tanda musim bunga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bad | 13. foul, a. (of smell) busuk; b. (of breath) berbau (busuk); c. (of taste) tdk /sedap, enak/: the medicine has a ~ taste, ubat itu tdk sedap rasanya; 14. unwise, tdk bijak: a ~ decision, keputusan yg tdk bijak; that was a ~ move, itu langkah yg tdk bijak; 15. incorrect, faulty, salah: ~ spelling, ejaan yg salah; ~ grammar, nahu yg salah; 16. not sustainable, tdk dapat diterima, tdk kukuh: it’s ~ logic, hujah itu tdk dapat diterima; 17. debased, cacat: a ~ coin, (duit) syiling yg cacat; 18. unprofitable, merugikan, tdk menguntungkan: he considered it a ~ investment, dia menganggap pelaburan itu merugikan; a ~ bargain, belian yg merugikan; 19. inopportune, tdk /sesuai, wajar/: it was a ~ time to start a new business, waktunya tdk sesuai utk memulakan usaha perniagaan yg baru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brew | vi 1. under go process of brewing, (of beer) membru; (of tea) kembang; (of coffee), (menjadi) mesra: beer smells strongly while ~ing, bir berbau keras semasa dibru; he let the tea ~ for a few more minutes, dia membiarkan daun teh itu kembang selama beberapa minit lagi; don’t go yet, the coffee has not ~ed, jangan pergi dahulu, kopi belum mesra; 2. be impending, bergelora; (of trouble, crisis, etc) bergolak: a storm is ~ing in the west, ribut sedang bergelora di sebelah barat; trouble is ~ing in the Middle East, kekacauan sedang bergolak di Timur Tengah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |