framed | adj berbingkai: a ~ certificate hanging on the wall, sijil yg berbingkai yg tergantung di dinding. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
casement | n tingkap berbingkai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gold-rimmed | adj (of glasses) berbingkai emas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frame | n 1. case, border enclosing picture, door, etc, bingkai: the thieves clumsily cut the picture out of the ~, pencuri-pencuri itu dgn cemerkap menggunting gambar-gambar dr bingkainya; a window ~, bingkai tingkap; a pair of spectacles with metal ~s, kaca mata berbingkai logam; 2. skeleton (of building, ship, etc) rangka: the ~ of the building is already finished, rangka bangunan itu sudah siap; the car has a strong ~, rangka kereta itu kuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
horn | n 1. hard outgrowth, a. (on head of cattle, deer, etc) tanduk; b. (on snout of rhinoceros) sumbu; 2. eyestalk of snail, sesungut, sungut-sungut; 3. crest of bird, jambul; 4. (attrib) made of, resembling horn, tanduk: a knife with a ~ handle, pisau berhulu tanduk; ~-rimmed spectacles, cermin mata berbingkai tanduk; 5. (drinking vessel) tanduk; 6. (wind instrument) a. (made of animal horn) tetuang, tanduk; b. (made of brass) hon: bass ~, hon bes; French ~, hon Perancis; 7. device for making warning noises, hon: a car ~, hon kereta; a fog-~, hon kabus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |