hunt | vt 1. pursue (game) for food or sport, berburu: to ~ deer, berburu rusa; 2. pursue game all over, berburu di merata: to ~ the county, berburu di merata daerah; 3. track, chase, memburu: to ~ an escaped convict, memburu banduan yg telah lari; 4. use (st) to pursue, berburu dgn menggunakan: to ~ hounds, berburu dgn menggunakan anjing pemburu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hunting | n 1. act of pursuing (game) for food or sport, perburuan, berburu: ~ and fishing are the main activities of the inhabitants, berburu dan menangkap ikan ialah kegiatan utama penduduk di situ; go ~, pergi berburu; 2. act of searching, mencari-cari: house ~, mencari-cari rumah; 3. (attrib) a. (used by hunters) perburuan, pemburu: ~ dog, anjing perburuan; b. (rel to the sport) berburu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hunt | vi pursue game, berburu; (of animal) memburu mangsa: to go out ~ing, pergi berburu; animals that ~ at night, binatang-binatang yg memburu mangsa pd waktu malam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hunt | n 1. act of pursuing (game) as food or sport, perburuan, berburu: a fox - ~, berburu rubah; 2. act of tracking, chasing, pemburuan, memburu: the ~ for the criminal, pemburuan penjenayah itu; 3. act of searching, (usaha) mencari: the ~ for a new manager, usaha mencari pengurus baru; he found the book after a long ~, dia menjumpai buku itu selepas mencari begitu lama; 4. group of people hunting with a pack, kumpulan pemburu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ferret | vi berburu dgn (menggunakan) feret; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harrier | n 1. (hunting dog) sejenis anjing utk berburu; 2. cross-country runner, pelari merentas desa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
be | b. (involuntary) ter- [v root]: he was shot dead while hunting, dia tertembak mati sewaktu berburu; five people were killed in the accident, lima orang terbunuh dlm kemalangan itu; 3. (with pp, indic state), [various translations]: the clinic was closed when I got there, klinik itu sudah tutup sewaktu saya sampai; my sister is not married, adik perempuan saya belum berkahwin; I am convinced that..., saya yakin bahawa...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hunter | n 1. person who hunts, pemburu; 2. horse used in hunting, kuda utk berburu; 3. one who seeks persistently for st, pemburu: fortune-~s, pemburu kekayaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chasel | n 1. pursuit, pengejaran, pemburuan, mengejar, memburu: the villagers joined in the ~, penduduk kampung turut serta dlm pengejaran itu; after a long ~ the thief was captured, selepas lama memburu, pencuri itu dapat ditangkap; give ~ (to), mengejar, memburu: police gave ~ to the speeding car, polis mengejar kereta yg laju itu; 2. hunting, perburuan, berburu: they enjoyed the ~ more than the kill, mereka lebih seronok berburu drpd mendapat hasil buruan; 3. animal pursued, buruan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gear | 2. (set of) apparatus etc for a particular purpose, peralatan: an aircraft’s landing ~, peralatan pendaratan kapal terbang; 3. a. equipment for a particular activity or purpose, peralatan: camping ~, peralatan perkhemahan; hunting ~, peralatan berburu; b. clothing for particular purpose, pakaian: tennis ~, pakaian tenis; 4. (ref to the degree of speed, efficiency, etc), [various translations]: production is in low ~ at this time of the year, pengeluaran agak lembap dlm bulan-bulan ini; her life is in high ~ at the moment, kehidupannya serba sibuk pd masa ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |