aglow | adj 1. (kelihatan) bercahaya, bersinar-sinar: the mountain peaks were ~ in the sunset, puncak-puncak gunung itu (kelihatan) bercahaya pd waktu senja; ~ with colour, berseri dgn pelbagai warna; ~ with light, berseri disinari cahaya; set st ~, membuat sst /bercahaya, bersinar, berseri-seri/; 2. (fig.) berseri-seri: ~ with delight, berseri-seri kegembiraan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gleaming | adj 1. glowing, bercahaya, bersinar: a tiger’s ~ eyes, mata harimau yg bercahaya; 2. reflecting brightly, berkilat: a ~ brass doorknob, tombol pintu loyang yg berkilat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gleam | vi 1. glow, bercahaya, bersinar: a candle ~ed in the dark, sebatang lilin bercahaya dlm kegelapan; 2. reflect brightly, berkilat: she polished the table until it ~ed, dia menggilap meja itu sehingga berkilat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glow | 3. (indic of emotion, good health) a. (of face) berseri, bercahaya: her face ~ed with excitement, wajahnya berseri krn gembira; b. (of eyes) bersinar-sinar, bercahaya: his eyes ~ed with indignation, matanya bersinar-sinar krn marah; c. (of complexion) menjadi merah, memerah: cheeks which ~ed with shame, pipi yg memerah krn malu; 4. be bright, colourful, bersemarak: autumn foliage ~ing with different shades of red, orange and gold, dedaun musim bunga bersemarak dgn pelbagai warna merah, jingga dan keemasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
illuminated | adj 1. (of manuscript, old book, etc) warna-warni: ~ manuscript, manuskrip warna-warni; 2. lit up, bercahaya: ~ advertisements, iklan-iklan bercahaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gleam | ~ with, bercahaya, bersinar: her eyes ~ed with joy, matanya bersinar kegirangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glow | vi 1. give out heat or light, memijar, membara; (of embers) memijar; (of cigarette) bernyala: the metal was heated until it ~ed, logam itu dipanaskan sehingga memijar; 2. emit steady or even light, gleam, (of lamp etc) bercahaya; (of cat’s eyes etc) bercahaya, bersinar; (firefly etc) bercahaya: the oil lamp ~ed softly in the window, lampu minyak itu bercahaya samar-samar di jendela; tigers’ eyes ~ in the dark, mata harimau bersinar dlm gelap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beady | adj 1. (of eyes) kecil bulat dan bercahaya; 2. covered, decorated with beads, berhias dgn manik, bermanik(-manik), dihiasi manik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lambent | adj 1. (of flame, light) flicker across surface of st, berkilauan: the fire threw ~ shadows on the old table,,/i> api itu memancarkan cahaya yg berkilauan pd meja tua itu; 2. softly radiant, bercahaya: the ~ sky at dawn, langit yg bercahaya pd waktu subuh; 3. (of wit, humour, etc) light and brilliant, cerdas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glowing | adj 1. incandescent, berpijar, berbara: ~ embers, bara yg berpijar; 2. vividly coloured, cerah warnanya: the ~ evening sky, langit petang yg cerah warnanya; 3. bright due to good health, excitement, (of face) berseri, bercahaya; (of eyes) bersinar-sinar, bercahaya; 4. favourable, indah: he gave a ~ description of city life to his village friends, dia memberikan gambaran yg indah ttg kehidupan di bandar kpd teman-temannya di kampung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |