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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata berdebar, berdebar-debar

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

beatvi (of the heart) berdegup; ~ /faster, vigorously, etc/, berdegap-degup, berdegup-degup, berdegap-degap, berlegup-legap; (usu due to strong emotion) berdebar(-debar): fear made his heart ~ faster, perasaan takut menyebabkan hatinya berdebar-debar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flutter4. wave rapidly and irregularly, beralun-alun sedikit; (of flame) bergedik-gedik; (of leaf) bergetar-getar: the flags of the member countries ~ed in the gentle breeze, bendera-bendera negara anggota beralun-alun sedikit ditiup angin sepoi-sepoi; as the bus accelerated, the edge of the curtain at the open window began to ~, apabila bas memecut, bahagian tepi langsir tingkap yg terbuka itu mula bergetar-getar; 5. palpitate, berdebar-debar: her heart ~ed at the sight of him, hatinya berdebar-debar melihat lelaki itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jumplain; impatient to find out how the story ended, she ~ed to the last chapter, krn tdk sabar utk mengetahui kesudahan cerita itu, dia melompat ke bab akhir; 6. rise suddenly, melambung naik, /meningkat, bertambah/ dgn /tiba-tiba, mendadak/; (of price, rent, etc), /melambung, melompat/ naik, naik dgn /tiba-tiba, mendadak/: exports ~ed last year, eksport melambung naik tahun lepas; the population ~ed to 16,000,000, jumlah penduduk meningkat dgn tiba-tiba ke 16,000,000; due to the sudden increase in demand, the price of palm oil ~ed sharply, oleh sebab permintaan bertambah dgn tiba-tiba, harga minyak sawit melambung naik; 7. (of heart) berdebar-debar: her heart ~ed at the sight of him, hatinya berdebar-debar apabila terpandang lelaki itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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