convalesce | vi berehat supaya /sembuh, pulih/: she is convalescing after the operation, dia sedang berehat supaya sembuh selepas menjalani pembedahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | 4. recess, waktu rehat; (in a journey) berhenti berehat: the play lasts for three hours with only one ~, lakonan itu tiga jam lamanya dgn sekali saja waktu rehat; during a ~ in the journey, he took photographs of the castle, sewaktu berhenti berehat dlm perjalanan, dia mengambil gambar kastil itu; /coffee, tea/ ~, waktu minum; lunch ~, waktu makan tengah hari; commercial ~, waktu iklan; 5. discontinuation, putusnya, terputus: after a ~ of two years, their correspondence was renewed, sesudah terputus selama dua tahun, perhubungan surat menyurat antara mereka diteruskan semula; 6. rupture in relationship, putusnya (hubungan), terputus: the couple had drifted apart, but the final ~ did not occur until their daughter’s marriage, hubungan pasangan itu memang sudah renggang tetapi hanya terputus sesudah anak perempuan mereka berkahwin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hibernate | vi 1. pass the winter in torpid state, berhibernat, tidur tapa; 2. become inactive or dormant, berehat sementara: he ~s in his log cabin for a few months each year, dia berehat sementara di pondok balaknya utk beberapa bulan setiap tahun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | make a ~ for it, mencuba /melepaskan, melarikan/ diri; take a ~, (berhenti) berehat, berhenti sekejap: we have been working for two hours and I think it’s time to take a ~, kita sudah bekerja dua jam dan saya fikir sudah tiba masanya kita berhenti sekejap; with a ~ in o’s voice, dgn suara yg /terputus-putus, tertahan-tahan/: he spoke emotionally, with a ~ in his voice, dia bercakap dgn penuh emosi dgn suara yg tertahan-tahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appreciate | everyone ~s a rest after a hard day’s work, semua orang suka kalau dapat berehat setelah bekerja giat sepanjang hari; b. (st that has aesthetic, artistic appeal), (dapat) menikmati; (work of art, music, etc) dapat /menikmati, menghayati/: to ~ the view, you’ll have to go to the top of the hill, utk menikmati pemandangan sekitar, kamu harus naik ke puncak bukit; to ~ classical music, menghayati muzik klasik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breather | n one who breathes, (orang yg) bernafas: he is a noisy ~, dia bernafas dgn kuat; /have, take/ a ~, (berehat utk) melepaskan lelah; stop for a ~, berhenti utk melepaskan lelah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inaction | n [various translations]: after a long period of forced ~ he was glad to get back to work, setelah begitu lama terpaksa berehat, dia gembira dapat bekerja semula; the opposition accused the government of adopting a policy of ~, pihak pembangkang menuduh kerajaan mengamalkan dasar ketidakgiatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
after | prep 1. following in time, selepas, sesudah, setelah: ~ lunch, selepas makan tengah hari; ~ a short rest, selepas berehat sebentar; ~ the wedding, selepas majlis perkahwinan; 2. following continually, dr [ n ] ke [n ], demi; (of period of time) dr se [ n ] ke se [ n ], berganti: line ~ line, dr satu baris ke satu baris; mistake ~ mistake, kesilapan demi kesilapan; they worked day ~ day, mereka bekerja dr sehari ke sehari; 3. following in place, selepas, sesudah: my name was ~ his on the list, nama saya selepas namanya dlm senarai itu; Q comes ~ P in the alphabet, dlm abjad, Q ialah selepas P; 4. behind, dr belakang, [sometimes not translated]: she followed ~ him, dia mengikutinya dr belakang; please close the door ~ you, tolong tutup pintu; he dragged the broken branch ~ him, dia mengheret dahan patah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bit1 | 4. (colloq) somewhat, sikit, agak: the sauce is a ~ thick, sos itu agak pekat; she felt a ~ better after a rest, dia berasa sihat sikit selepas berehat; she looked a ~ sad, dia kelihatan agak sedih; 5. (colloq) see BIT PART; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advise | vt 1. counsel, menasihati, menasihatkan: he ~d his son to attend lectures regularly, dia menasihati anak lelakinya supaya selalu menghadiri kuliah; the doctor ~d complete rest, doktor menasihati saya supaya berehat sepenuhnya; 2. inform, notify, memberitahu, memaklumkan [sst] kpd: we will ~ you of any change of plan, kami akan memberitahu tuan ttg sebarang perubahan rancangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |