contend | ~ against, strive against, menghadapi, berhadapan dgn: the explorer had to ~ against unknown dangers, penjelajah itu terpaksa berhadapan dgn bahaya yg tdk dijangka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
face | in (the) ~ of, a. when confronting, ketika menghadapi, bila berhadapan dgn: to show courage in the ~ of danger, menunjukkan keberanian ketika menghadapi bahaya; b. despite, /meskipun, sungguhpun, walaupun/ menghadapi: he succeeded in the ~ of difficulties, dia berjaya meskipun menghadapi kesukaran; keep a straight ~, menahan /senyum, ketawa/, menyembunyikan rasa geli hati; laugh in so’s ~, mentertawakan sso; look so. in the ~, /memandang (ke) muka, menenung, merenung/ sso: since that episode at the club, I just cannot look him in the ~, selepas episod di kelab itu, saya tdk dapat memandang mukanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
find | ~ nothing to say, tdk dapat mengatakan sst pun: confronted with the grieving parents, she could ~ nothing to say to comfort them, apabila berhadapan dgn ibu bapa yg sedang berdukacita itu, dia tdk dapat mengatakan sst pun utk menenteramkan mereka; ~ os, a. discover o’s own character etc, mengenal diri sso: one year’s field work on the slopes of Mount Kinabalu should help you to ~ yourself, setahun membuat kerja lapangan di lereng Gunung Kinabalu seharusnya membolehkan kamu mengenal dirimu; b. become aware that one is (in a given place or situation, doing st, etc) mendapati diri: the next day I found myself in hospital, keesokan harinya saya mendapati diri saya berada di rumah sakit; I found myself trembling as I walked onto the stage, saya mendapati diri saya menggigil ketika menjejakkan kaki ke pentas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
before | 3. in the presence of, di /hadapan, muka/: she was giving evidence ~ a committee of inquiry, dia sedang memberikan keterangan di hadapan jawatankuasa penyiasat; bring so. ~ the judge, membawa sso ke /muka, hadapan/ hakim; 4. under the consideration or jurisdiction of, dihadapkan ke mahkamah: the case ~ the court, perkara yg dihadapkan ke mahkamah; 5. in the face of, apabila berhadapan dgn: he fled ~ the enemy, dia lari apabila berhadapan dgn musuh; 6. in preference to, daripada: he chose death ~ dishonour, dia lebih rela mati daripada menanggung malu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heroics | n 1. see HEROIC VERSE; 2. high-flown language, bahasa muluk-muluk; 3. exaggerated behaviour, berlagak spt wira: don’t try ~s in the face of danger, jangan berlagak spt wira apabila berhadapan dgn bahaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
confront | vt 1. face bravely or threateningly, (of person) mendatangi; (of problem, task, etc) dihadapi: I was ~ed by two strangers as I left the house, saya didatangi dua lelaki yg tdk saya kenali sewaktu saya keluar dr rumah; the problems ~ing them were by no means small, masalah yg dihadapi oleh mereka bukanlah kecil; 2. face, menghadapi: to ~ the future with determination, menghadapi masa depan dgn keazaman; 3. bring face to face, a. (persons) menyemukakan, mempersuakan; b. (person with thing) menyuakan: when he was ~ed with the evidence, he confessed, apabila dia disuakan dgn keterangan itu dia pun mengaku; 4. be in front of, berhadapan: every time I am ~ed by a microphone I become extremely nervous, setiap kali saya berhadapan dgn mikrofon saya menjadi sangat gugup. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
face | have the ~ to, tdk (ber)malu: he has the ~ to come here, tdk malu dia datang ke sini; /in the, on the/ ~, muka (sso): he hit me in the ~, dia memukul muka saya; in (the) ~ of, a. when confronting, ketika menghadapi, bila berhadapan dgn: to show courage in the ~ of danger, menunjukkan keberanian ketika menghadapi bahaya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
battery | n 1. series of connected cells for producing electricity, bateri; 2. set, series of things, a. (arranged together) deret(an): a ~ of knives, deretan pisau; a ~ of boilers, deretan dandang; b. (used together) deretan, barisan: she was nervous as she faced the ~ of cameras, dia berasa gemuruh sewaktu berhadapan dgn deretan kamera; c. (occurring together) rentetan: he responded to the ~ of questions with curt answers, dia menjawab rentetan soalan itu dgn singkat; 3. (leg.) menyerang sentuh; 4. (platform on which guns are mounted) bateri, penyangga meriam; 5. artillery unit, bateri, pasukan meriam; 6. (series of cages for rearing of poultry) sangkar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
directly | adv 1. without deviating, terus: she went ~ from the office to the airport, dia pergi terus dr pejabat ke lapangan terbang; 2. without anyone or anything intervening, terus: to cut costs, they purchased the machines ~ from the manufacturer, utk menjimatkan kos, mereka membeli mesin-mesin itu terus drpd pengilang; 3. in a straight line, tepat: he looked ~ at us, dia memandang tepat kpd kami; 4. personally, secara langsung: he is ~ concerned in the project, dia terlibat secara langsung dlm projek itu; 5. exactly, betul-betul: they live ~ opposite the hospital, mereka tinggal betul-betul berhadapan dgn hospital; 6. at once, (dgn) segera: attend to the matter ~, uruskan perkara itu dgn segera; 7. shortly, sekejap lagi: they will return ~, mereka akan pulang sekejap lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |