dateless | adj 1. not dated, tdk /bertarikh, berhari bulan, bertanggal/: the manuscript was ~, manuskrip itu tdk bertarikh; 2. immemorial in age, sudah wujud /zaman-berzaman, berzaman-zaman/: ~ custom, adat yg sudah wujud zaman-berzaman; 3. endless, timeless, abadi, kekal: ~ fame, kemasyhuran yg abadi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
journey | vi berjalan: they ~ed for many days across the desert, mereka berjalan berhari-hari merentasi gurun itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burn | ~ away, terus membakar: the fire ~ed away for days, api itu terus membakar berhari-hari; ~ st away, (act.) menyebabkan sst habis terbakar; (pass.) sst habis terbakar: the fire burnt the undergrowth away, api itu menyebabkan semak habis terbakar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
for | ~ a long time, sudah lama: I haven’t met him ~ a long time, lama saya tdk berjumpa dengannya; ~ /days, months, years, etc /, /berhari-hari, berbulan-bulan, bertahun-tahun/ (lamanya); ~ life, seumur hidup; (liter.) seumur hidup, sepanjang hayat; ~ miles and miles, berbatu-batu jauhnya; ~ once, buat pertama kali: ~ once she did not object, buat pertama kali dia tdk membantah; ~ os, sendiri: she wanted to see it ~ herself, dia ingin melihatnya sendiri; ~ the present, buat masa /ini, sekarang/; be (in) ~ it, (colloq) kena engkau: you’ll be in ~ it if your sister catches you wearing her new shoes, kena engkau, jika kakak engkau nampak engkau memakai kasut barunya; /but, were it not, except /~, kalau tdk krn: but ~ her, Salleh would have died, kalau tdk krn dia, Salleh tentu mati; word ~ word, perkataan demi perkataan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ferret | ~ st out, (colloq), (information, secret, etc), /mencungkil, mengorek /sst: he spent days ~ing out the necessary information, dia menghabiskan masa berhari-hari mencungkil maklumat yg diperlukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
devour | vt 1. eat greedily, voraciously, membaham, melahap: he ~ed his meal as though he hadn’t eaten for days, dia membaham makanannya seolah-olah dia tdk makan berhari-hari; 2. engulf, menelan, memakan: hundreds of acres of forest were ~ed by fire, beratus-ratus ekar hutan telah ditelan api; 3. absorb greedily, dgn /rakus, lahap/ + approp v: his eyes ~ed the splendid scenery, matanya dgn lahap memandang pemandangan yg indah itu; the precocious child ~ed all the books in a week, kanak-kanak yg bijak itu dgn rakus membaca semua buku tersebut dlm masa seminggu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | 8. for stated length of time, dalam: this is the first time ~ six months that we’ve had a chance to talk, inilah ali pertama dalam masa enam bulan ami dapat berbual-bual; ~ /days, months, years, etc/, berhari-hari, berbulan-bulan, bertahun-tahun, dll/; 9. (indic circumstance, state) dalam: she died ~ an accident, dia meninggal dalam kemalangan; while ~ exile..., semasa dalam buangan...; he was ~ pain after the operation, dia dalam kesakitan selepas pembedahan itu; the patient is ~ a coma, pesakit itu dalam keadaan koma; the house is ~ good repair, rumah itu dalam keadaan baik; are you ~ love?, kamu dalam percintaan?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disappear | vi 1. pass from sight, hilang, lenyap, lesap: the important files have ~ed from the cabinet, fail-fail yg penting telah hilang dr kabinet; the swindler ~ed without a trace, penipu itu lesap tanpa dapat dikesan; 2. go away deliberately, menghilangkan diri: he ~ed for days on end, dia menghilangkan diri berhari-hari lamanya; 3. cease to be, lenyap, luput; (of pain) hilang: these problems will not ~ just like that, masalah-masalah ini tdk akan lenyap begitu sahaja; 4. become extinct, pupus: a species which is fast ~ing, spesies yg pupus dgn cepatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grub | ~ about, a. busy os and getting dirty in the process, sibuk bergelumang dgn (+ approp n); (of dog) menyelongkar; (of pig) menyungkur: father was ~bing about in the garden when guests arrived, bapa sedang sibuk bergelumang dgn tanah di kebunnya sewaktu tetamu tiba; b. look for in an unsystematic manner, menyelongkar: he unearthed the photographs after ~bing about in the attic for days, dia mendapat gambar-gambar itu selepas menyelongkar loteng berhari-hari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |