break | make a ~ for it, mencuba /melepaskan, melarikan/ diri; take a ~, (berhenti) berehat, berhenti sekejap: we have been working for two hours and I think it’s time to take a ~, kita sudah bekerja dua jam dan saya fikir sudah tiba masanya kita berhenti sekejap; with a ~ in o’s voice, dgn suara yg /terputus-putus, tertahan-tahan/: he spoke emotionally, with a ~ in his voice, dia bercakap dgn penuh emosi dgn suara yg tertahan-tahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cease | vi berhenti; (with negative) berhenti-henti: the rain ~d early in the afternoon, hujan berhenti pd awal petang; the sound of hammering did not ~, bunyi ketukan itu tdk berhenti-henti; must ~, mesti dihentikan: the fighting must ~, pertempuran ini mesti dihentikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
give | ~ over, (sl) a. stop doing, berhenti + approp v: ~ over. You’re annoying me, berhenti merengek. Kamu menjengkelkan saya; b. stop, berhenti: ~ over pulling your sister’s hair!, berhenti menarik rambut adik!; ~ over st, hentikan sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
halt 1 | vi berhenti: the column of troops ~ed at the bridge, barisan pasukan tentera itu berhenti di jambatan; “H~! Who goes there?”, “Berhenti! Siapa itu?”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
desist | ~ from, berhenti: to ~ from complaining, berhenti bersungut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
halt 1 | n 1. temporary stop, berhenti: after a brief ~ the march continued, selepas berhenti sebentar perarakan itu bergerak semula; bring to a ~, cause to discontinue, menyebabkan terhenti; (deliberately) menghentikan: the recession brought production to a ~, kemelesetan telah menyebabkan pengeluaran terhenti; he brought the car to a ~ on a lonely stretch of road, dia menghentikan keretanya di jalan yg lengang; call a ~ to, menghentikan: police called a ~ to the search when darkness fell, polis menghentikan gerakan mencari apabila malam tiba; it’s time we called a ~ to this feuding, sudah masanya kita menghentikan segala persengketaan ini; come to a ~, berhenti: the van came to a sudden ~, van itu berhenti dgn tiba-tiba; 2. stopping-place for train, perhentian kereta api; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lay 1 | ~ off, (colloq), /berhenti, tdk/ mengganggu; (imper) sudahlah, rentikanlah: I wish you’d ~ off, and let me get on with my work, saya harap kamu berhenti mengganggu dan biarkan saya meneruskan kerja saya; ~ off! You’re driving me mad, sudahlah! Kau buat aku naik gila; ~ off st, berhenti + approp v: the doctor told me to ~ off smoking, doktor menyuruh saya berhenti merokok; ~ so. off, memberhentikan sso: because of the drop in orders, he had to ~ off 20 workers, oleh sebab pesanan merosot, dia terpaksa memberhentikan 20 orang pekerjanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cease | ~ from, berhenti drpd (+ approp v): to ~ from wickedness, berhenti drpd melakukan kejahatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heave | ~ to, berhenti: the ship was damaged and was forced to ~ to, kapal itu rosak dan terpaksa berhenti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abrupt | adj 1. sudden, tiba-tiba, mendadak; (of corner, turn, etc) tajam: an ~ change in the weather, perubahan cuaca yg tiba-tiba; come to an ~ end, tiba-tiba (sahaja) /berakhir, tamat, selesai/, /berakhir, tamat, selesai/ dgn tiba-tiba; come to an ~ /halt, stop/, tiba-tiba (sahaja) berhenti, berhenti dgn /tiba-tiba, mendadak/ (sahaja); 2. brusque, kasar: an ~ reply, jawapan yg kasar; an ~ manner of speaking, gaya pertuturan yg agak kasar; 3. Disconnected, tdk lancar, terputus-putus: an ~ style of writing, gaya penulisan yg tdk lancar; 4. steep, curam: an ~ descent, jalan turun yg curam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |