hand | ~ to, see vt (sense 1.); ~ it to so., (colloq) acknowledge that so. is good at st, (kalau ttg sst) berikan kpd sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
illustration | n 1. drawings, photographs, etc used to illustrate a text, ilustrasi, gambar: the ~s in the book are excellent, ilustrasi dlm buku itu sungguh baik; 2. example, contoh: let me give you an ~ of what I mean, biar saya berikan contoh ttg apa yg saya maksudkan; 3. illustrating or being illustrated, a. (by giving related examples etc) penjelasan, menjelaskan: let me, by way of ~, give you a specific example, biarlah saya, sbg penjelasan, memberikan contoh khusus; he cited many examples in ~ of his argument, dia memberikan beberapa contoh utk menjelaskan hujahnya; b. (by furnishing with drawings, photographs, etc) mengilustrasi: he specialized in the ~ of children’s books, dia mengkhusus dlm kerja mengilustrasi buku anak-kanak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
argue | ~ with, a. see vi (sense 1.); b. disagree with, mempertikaikan: I do not ~ with the facts, only with the meaning you give them, saya tdk mempertikaikan kenyataan itu tetapi saya mempertikaikan makna yg kamu berikan kepadanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
justify | vt 1. prove or explain that st is right, reasonable, valid, etc, memberikan /justifikasi, alasan yg kuat/ atas: they were taken to task and asked to ~ their action, mereka dimarahi dan diminta memberikan alasan yg kuat bagi tindakan mereka; can you ~ the statement you’ve just made, boleh kamu berikan alasan yg kuat bagi kenyataan yg kamu buat tadi?; ~ os, membela diri sso: I feel I do not need to ~ myself, saya rasa tdk perlu saya membela diri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indebted | adj 1. owing money, berhutang, terhutang: the company is ~ to the bank, syarikat itu terhutang dgn bank; 2. owing gratitude (to) terhutang budi: I shall always be ~ to you for the help you have given me, saya terhutang budi kpd tuan krn pertolongan yg telah tuan berikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
check | vi 1. stop, pause, tiba-tiba berhenti: unable to climb the hill, he ~ed and waited for help, krn tdk dapat mendaki bukit itu dia tiba-tiba berhenti dan menunggu bantuan; 2. test (for accuracy etc) menyemak: he ~ed to see if his answers were correct, dia menyemak utk mengetahui sama ada jawapannya betul atau salah; 3. inspect, memeriksa: he ~ed to make sure he had his keys, dia memeriksa utk memastikan bahawa kuncinya ada; 4. tally, sama, serupa: his description ~s with mine, gambaran yg diberikannya sama dgn gambaran yg saya berikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
insensible | ad j (fml) 1. unconscious, pengsan, tdk sedarkan diri; 2. unaware, tdk sedar: I’m not ~ of how much I owe to your support, saya bukan tdk sedar betapa saya terhutang budi thdp sokongan saudara; be ~ of, tdk /menyedari, sedar akan/: she was ~ of her danger, dia tdk sedar akan bahaya yg mungkin menimpanya; she seemed ~ of the honour you had conferred upon her, dia nampaknya tdk menyedari penghormatan yg telah tuan berikan kepadanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |