laugh | for /a ~, ~s /, utk /berjenaka, bergurau, melawak/: she hid his shoes just for a ~, dia menyorokkan kasut lelaki itu hanya utk berjenaka; /get, raise/ a ~, membuat (sso) ketawa: he couldn't get a ~ out of the audience, dia tdk dapat membuat penonton ketawa; have a good ~, kerap ketawa: when they get together, they always have a good ~, apabila mereka berjumpa, mereka kerap ketawa; we’ve had a good ~ over the incident, kami kerap ketawa mengenangkan peristiwa itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jest | vi bergurau, berseloroh, berjenaka, berkelakar: to ~ about grave issues, berseloroh ttg isu berat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crack | ~ a bottle, minum-minum; ~ a joke, berjenaka, berseloroh; ~ a smile, tersenyum; ~ o’s knuckles, /mematah-matahkan, meletupkan-letupkan/ jari; ~ the case, find solution to, menyelesaikan kes; ~ the code, /memecahkan, menghuraikan/ kod; ~ the problem, memecahkan masalah; ~ the whip, a. melecutkan cemeti; b. (fig.) bertindak keras: everyone begins to work hard when he ~s the whip, semua orang mula bekerja kuat apabila dia bertindak keras; get ~ing, (colloq) mulakan dgn segera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jocularity | n 1. quality of being jocular, sifat /kelakar, suka berkelakar, suka berjenaka/: his ~ made him popular, sifat kelakarnya membuat dia disukai ramai; 2. jocular utterance, kata-kata lucu, jenaka: a speech interspersed with jocularities, ucapan yg diselang-selikan dgn kata-kata lucu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
joke | bergurau: he is one of those who can’t take a ~, dia salah seorang yg tdk dapat diajak bergurau; /take st for, treat st as/ a ~, menganggap sst sebagai /jenaka, gurauan/; /tell, crack, make/ a ~, berjenaka, melawak: he is fond of telling ~s, dia suka berjenaka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intend | ~ as, [sst] bertujuan utk: the remark was ~ed as a joke, kata-kata itu bertujuan utk berjenaka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frame | ~ of mind, keadaan (fikiran): I’m not in the right ~ of mind for jokes right now, keadaan fikiran saya sekarang tdk sesuai utk berjenaka; ~ of reference, rangka rujukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jocoseness , jocosity | n (fml) 1. humorousness, kelucuan; 2. fondness of joking, playfulness, sifat /kelakar, suka berkelakar, suka berjenaka/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jocose | adj (fml) 1. humourous, lucu: ~ reply, jawapan yg lucu; 2. fond of joking, playful, kelakar, suka /berkelakar, berjenaka/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jocular | adj 1. humourous, lucu: ~ remarks about learner drivers, kata-kata lucu ttg orang yg sedang belajar memandu; 2. fond of joking, playful, kelakar, suka /berkelakar, berjenaka/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |