conspire | vi 1. plot, berkomplot: they ~d (with the landowners) to overthrow the regime, mereka berkomplot (dgn tuan-tuan punya tanah) utk menggulingkan rejim; to ~ against the government, berkomplot menentang kerajaan; 2. (of events) act together, bergabung: these events seemed to ~ to thwart his plans, peristiwa-peristiwa ini seolah-olah bergabung menggagalkan rancangannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intrigue | vi conspire, membuat rancangan jahat, berkomplot: to ~ with the enemy, berkomplot dgn musuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conspiracy | n 1. act of conspiring, pengkomplotan, berkomplot: ~ against the state is treason, berkomplot menentang negara ialah satu penderhakaan; 2. plot, komplot, persubahatan, pakatan sulit: the ~ to murder Caesar, komplot utk membunuh Caesar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intrigue | n 1. act, practice of plotting, (membuat) rancangan jahat: this plotting and ~ must be stopped, amalan berkomplot dan membuat rancangan jahat ini mesti dihentikan; he uses ~ to get what he wants, dia menggunakan rancangan jahat utk mendapatkan apa yg dikehendakinya; 2. plot, scheme, rancangan jahat, komplot: there were constant ~s to overthrow the new government, komplot utk menggulingkan kerajaan baru itu sering berlaku; political ~s, komplot-komplot politik; 3. (archaic) secret love affair, hubungan sulit: the ~s of his promiscuous wife, hubungan-hubungan sulit isterinya yg tdk bermoral itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |