club | vi usu ~ together, combine and share the cost of, berkongsi: the staff ~bed together to buy him a present, semua kakitangan berkongsi utk membelikannya hadiah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
armchair | adj 1. theoretical, hanya pandai berteori: ~ critic, pengkritik yg hanya pandai berteori; 2. sharing in another’s experience, berkongsi pengalaman + approp n orang lain: an ~ traveller, seorang yg berkongsi pengalaman pengembaraan orang lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
half | go halves, go ~ and ~, berkongsi; /have not heard, don’t know/ the ~ of it, (colloq), /belum tahu, belum dengar/ cerita yg sepenuhnya; how the other ~ lives, cara hidup orang lain: they were curious to see how the other ~ lives, mereka ingin melihat cara hidup orang lain; in ~, dua: she cut the apple in ~, dia memotong dua epal itu; too ... by ~, approp adj + sangat: that young man is too clever by ~. He’ll end up in trouble, pemuda itu pandai sangat. Susah dia nanti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fifty-fifty | adv (dgn) sama banyak: we divided it up ~, kami membahagikannya sama banyak; to go ~, berkongsi sama banyak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hall | 4. (in college and university) residence building, asrama, kolej kediaman: she lived in ~ last year but now she shares a flat with friends, dia tinggal di asrama tahun lepas tetapi sekarang dia berkongsi tempat tinggal di flat dgn kawan-kawan; 5. dining-hall at a residential college, dewan makan (asrama). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
double | ~ up (with), a. bend , be convulsed, terbongkok(-bongkok); (with laughter) ketawa terbongkok-bongkok: to ~ up with pain, terbongkok-bongkok kesakitan; she ~d up when her husband walked in wearing his bunny costume, dia ketawa terbongkok-bongkok apabila suaminya masuk dgn memakai kostum arnab; b. share i. (room) berkongsi bilik; ii. (bed) berkongsi katil; ~ so. up (with), (act.) membuat sso terbongkok(-bongkok); (pass.) terbongkok-bongkok: the blow ~d him up, pukulan itu menyebabkan dia terbongkok-bongkok. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
equally | adv 1. to an equal degree or in an equal manner, sama [adj], sama-sama [v]: they are ~ rich, mereka sama kaya; the two are ~ responsible for the failure, kedua-dua mereka sama-sama bertanggungjawab atas kegagalan itu; divide st ~, membahagikan sst sama banyak: his estate was divided ~ among his five children, harta pusakanya dibahagikan sama banyak antara lima orang anaknya; 2. in equal shares or parts, sama banyak: the burden of responsibility lies ~ upon all of us, beban tanggungjawab terletak sama banyak atas kita; they shared the work ~ between them, mereka berkongsi kerja itu sama banyak antara mereka; 3. at the same time, by the same token, pd masa yg sama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |