effect | b. also come into ~, come into operation, mulai berkuat kuasa: his appointment takes ~ on the first of August, pelantikannya mulai berkuat kuasa pd satu hari bulan Ogos; to good ~, a. usefully, (dgn) sebaik-baiknya: his skills can be used to good ~, kemahirannya dapat digunakan dgn sebaik-baiknya; b. with good result(s) dgn berkesan: in this artist’s work, vivid colours are used to good ~, dlm karya pelukis ini warna-warna yg terang digunakan dgn berkesan; to /this, that/ ~,lebih kurang /begitulah, demikianlah/ (maksudnya): he said he was fed up with the project or something to this ~, katanya dia sudah bosan dgn projek itu, atau lebih kurang begitulah maksudnya; with ~ from, bermula pd; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
effect | in ~, a. in fact, pd hakikatnya, sebenarnya: this in ~ means that the danger is over, ini pd hakikatnya bererti bahawa bahaya sudah berlalu; b. in operation, berkuat kuasa, berlaku: these regulations are still in ~, peraturan-peraturan ini masih berkuat kuasa; /of, to/ no ~, sia-sia saja: we tried again and again but to no ~, kami mencuba berkali-kali tetapi sia-sia saja; take ~, a. produce results, berkesan, memberikan kesan: the pills should take ~ in 30 minutes, pil-pil itu dijangka berkesan dlm masa 30 minit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gazette | n (US) warta: the regulations take effect from the date of notification in the Government G~, peraturan-peraturan itu berkuat kuasa dr tarikh pemberitahuan dlm Warta Kerajaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inoperative | adj 1. not working, tdk berjalan: the engine is ~, enjin ini tdk berjalan; 2. (of law, rule, etc) a. does not work any more, tdk berlaku lagi; b. not able to work or be in operation, tdk berkuat kuasa: these ~ laws should be repealed, undang-undang yg tdk berkuat kuasa ini patut dimansuhkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
effective | adj 1. having an effect, efficient, berkesan, efektif; (so as to be impressive) mengesankan: ~ measures to reduce inflation, langkah-langkah yg berkesan utk mengurangkan inflasi; the choice of colour combination was very ~, pilihan kombinasi warna sangat mengesankan; 2. (of medicine, remedy) mujarab, mustajab, manjur: an ~ ointment for eczema, salap ekzema yg mujarab; 3. operative, mula /berkuat kuasa, dikuatkuasakan/: the law is ~ from the first of January, undang-undang ini mula berkuat kuasa pd satu hari bulan Januari;4. actual, hakiki: the full strength of this battalion is 1,000, but the ~ strength is 800, kekuatan penuh batalion ini ialah 1,000, tetapi kekuatan hakikinya ialah 800; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | keep a (firm, tight) ~ on, (fig.) mengawal dgn ketat: he still kept a firm ~ on the family business, dia masih mengawal perniagaan keluarga itu dgn ketat; on ~, a. (of caller) sedang menunggu; b. (of project) ditangguhkan; take ~, (of law, policy, etc) berkuat kuasa; with no ~s barred, (fig.) tanpa mengikut + approp n: the competition was held with no ~s barred, pertandingan itu telah dijalankan tanpa mengikut peraturan; they both tried to win her with no ~s barred, mereka berdua mencuba memenangi hati gadis itu tanpa mengikut batas susila; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |