Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

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Definisi : berlanjutan (perbualan, sesuatu keadaan, dll), berpanjangan: pemogokan tujuh puluh lima orang pekerja tersebut ~ sehingga beberapa bulan; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

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Definisi : berlanjutan atau berpanjangan (bkn perbualan dll). (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
larut (kata kerja)
Bersinonim dengan hancur, cair, meresap;,
Kata Terbitan : berlarut-larut, berlarutan, melarutkan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

dragvi 1. labuh sehingga kelepet kainnya meleret ke tanah; 2. often ~ /on, out /, go on slowly, laboriously, berlarutan; (of lecture, story, etc) meleret-leret: if the hydrogen bomb had not been used the war would have ~ged on for who knows how long, jika bom hidrogen tdk digunakan peperangan itu akan berlarutan entah sampai bila, tdk siapa pun tahu; a marriage that ~ged on for the sake of the children, perkahwinan yg berlarutan demi kepentingan anak-anak; the lecture ~ged on, kuliah itu meleret-leret; although the actors were quite good, the play itself ~ged, walaupun lakonannya baik tetapi drama itu meleret-leret; 3. use a drag, menggunakan penyeret;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
continuationn 1. a. fact of continuing without interruption, berterusan berlanjutan, berlarutan; b. act of going on with, penerusan, meneruskan: the group called for a ~ of the reform programme, kumpulan itu menuntut supaya program pembaharuan diteruskan; 2. extension, sambungan: this stretch of road is a ~ of the North-South Highway, jalan ini ialah sambungan Lebuh raya Utara Selatan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
itiii. (as obj of pass. verb), [repeat noun it replaces]: the dispute continued for over six months before ~ was finally settled, pertikaian itu berlarutan lebih drpd enam bulan sebelum pertikaian itu selesai; c. (ref to child, baby, whose sex is unknown or considered not important in rel to what one wants to say) i. (used in a clause) dia, ia, [or not translated]; (with words like “hope”, “wish”, “think”, etc), [replace noun it refers to with another noun]; (with words ref to physical attributes). nya; (used with Malay pass. verb) -nya: the stages that every child must go through as ~ grows up, peringkat-peringkat yg mesti dilalui oleh setiap kanak-kanak semasa dia membesar or semasa membesar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
impoverishvt (fml) 1. reduce to poverty, (act.) menyebabkan [sso, sst] /menjadi, jatuh/ miskin, memiskinkan; (pass.), /menjadi, jatuh/ miskin: the long war ~ed the country, peperangan yg berlarutan itu menyebabkan negara tersebut jatuh miskin; 2. exhaust fertility, richness, strength of, menanduskan: over-grazing had ~ed the soil, membiarkan lembu meragut rumput di padang itu secara berlebihan telah menanduskan tanah; lack of cultural activities would ~ our lives, kurangnya kegiatan kebudayaan akan menanduskan kehidupan kita;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
continualadj 1. happening without interruption, sentiasa: the patient seems to be in ~ pain, pesakit itu nampak sentiasa dlm kesakitan; 2. repeated, recurring frequently, tdk /putus-putus, henti-henti/, berterusan, berlarutan: their ~ bickering annoyed the neighbours, pertengkaran mereka yg tdk putus-putus itu menyakiti hati jiran mereka; this ~ rain is depressing, hujan yg tdk henti-henti ini memasyghulkan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
droughtn 1. excessive dryness, kemarau: the crops were destroyed by ~, tanaman itu musnah akibat kemarau; 2. period of scanty rainfall, (musim) kemarau: the ~ lasted for a year, musim kemarau itu berlarutan sehingga setahun.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
drain~ st of, a. (wealth, resources, manpower, etc), (act.) menyusutkan sst; (pass.) sst menjadi susut: a country ~ed of its wealth by years of civil war, negeri yg kekayaannya menjadi susut akibat peperangan saudara yg berlarutan bertahun-tahun; b. (particular group of people), (act.) menyebabkan sst kehilangan; (pass.) sst kehilangan: the country has been ~ed of its best brains, negara itu telah kehilangan cerdik pandainya; be ~ed of / blood, colour/, (of face) menjadi pucat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
contestn 1. competition, pertandingan, peraduan: a beauty ~, peraduan ratu cantik; an oratorical ~, peraduan syarahan; 2. struggle (for power, etc) persaingan; (in an election) pertandingan: there followed a long drawn-out ~ for control of the company, berikutan itu berlaku persaingan yg berlarutan utk merebut kuasa di syarikat itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
extendvi 1. stretch, terbentang, luasnya; (of road, carpet, etc) panjangnya: his property ~s for miles, tanahnya terbentang berbatu-batu; the red carpet ~s right up to the lift, permaidani merah itu panjangnya sampai ke lif; 2. protrude, menganjur: the headland ~s from the coast into the sea, tanjung tinggi itu menganjur dr pantai ke laut; 3. last, berlarutan, berlanjutan: the dry season had ~ed right into May, musim kering telah berlanjutan hingga ke bulan Mei; 4. include or affect, menjangkau: his fame ~s far beyond his own country, kemasyhurannya menjangkau ke luar negaranya sendiri;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
drain4. dry (land etc) mengeringkan: a system of canals to ~ the marshes, sistem tali air utk mengeringkan paya itu; 5. (of river) menyalirkan air di: the river ~s the whole area, sungai itu menyalirkan air di seluruh kawasan itu; 6. drink up, menghabiskan: he ~ed the glass, dia menghabiskan minumannya; 7. exhaust, consume, (act.) menyusutkan; (pass.) menjadi susut: the country’s resources were ~ed by years of war, sumber kekayaan negara itu menjadi susut akibat peperangan yg berlarutan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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