dirty | vt mengotorkan: the children dirtied the carpet with their muddy feet, budak-budak itu mengotorkan permaidani dgn kaki mereka yg berlumpur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | ~ off, berundur: our forces drew off when the counterattack became intense, pasukan kami berundur apabila serangan balas menjadi lebih sengit; ~ st off, take st off, menanggalkan sst: he drew off his muddy boots, dia menanggalkan butnya yg berlumpur itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bed | 5. mattress, tilam: a feather ~, tilam bulu itik; 6. sleep, rest, tidur: it’s time for ~, sudah waktu tidur sekarang; 7. garden plot, batas; 8. bottom of sea, lake, etc, dasar: a muddy river ~, dasar sungai yg berlumpur; 9. area of sea, lake bottom used for,<.i> a. (cultivating oysters, cockles, etc) tempat pembiakan; b. (cultivating seaweeds etc) petanaman; 10. underlying layer used as base, foundation, dasar; 11. layer of rock, stratum, lapisan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jump | vi 1. leap, melompat, meloncat: the cat ~ed onto the table, kucing itu melompat ke atas meja; she ~ed across the stream, dia melompat menyeberangi sungai; he ~ed on his horse and rode away, dia melompat ke atas kudanya lalu pergi; the fish ~ed out of the water, ikan itu melompat keluar dr air; to ~ with joy, melompat-lompat keriangan; 2. leap from a very high place or into a large body of water, terjun: he ~ed from the third floor and miraculously survived, dia terjun dr tingkat tiga dan yg menakjubkan, dia selamat; they ~ed into the muddy river and swam across to the mainland, mereka terjun ke dlm sungai yg berlumpur itu dan berenang ke tanah besar; 3. move hastily (into, out of, etc) bergegas, melompat: at the sound of the alarm, he ~ed out of bed, apabila jam gerak berdering, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |