immorality | n 1. quality, state of being immoral, tdk bermoral; (of person) sifat tdk /bermoral, berakhlak/: the ~ of his views shocked them, pandangannya yg tdk bermoral memeranjatkan mereka; 2. immoral behaviour, kelakuan tdk bermoral: such ~ is frowned on by society, kelakuan tdk bermoral spt itu tdk disukai masyarakat; 3. immoral act, perbuatan tdk bermoral. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Immoral | adj 1. not moral, tdk bermoral; (of person) tdk /bermoral, berakhlak/: an ~ act, perbuatan yg tdk bermoral; he is a thoroughly ~ man, dia lelaki yg betul-betul tdk bermoral; 2. sexually improper, lucah; (of earnings) haram: the screening of ~ films, tayangan filem lucah; he made an ~ suggestion to the girl, dia membuat cadangan lucah pd gadis itu; they were accused of using the house for ~ purposes, mereka dituduh menggunakan rumah itu utk kegiatan lucah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dissolute | adj tdk bermoral: the ~ rich, orang-orang kaya yg tdk bermoral. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
debauchery | n kegiatan-kegiatan yg tdk /berakhlak, bermoral/; lead a life of ~, menjalani kehidupan yg tdk /berakhlak, bermoral/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
debauched | adj (of person) rosak /akhlak, moral/; lead a ~ life, menjalani kehidupan yg tdk /berakhlak, bermoral/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
easy | be ~ in o’s mind, fikiran sso tenang; be ~ of access, (of place) mudah didatangi; be ~ on the /eye, ear/, (colloq) sedap /dipandang, didengar/; have an ~ night, tidur /lena, nyenyak, lelap/; I’m ~, (colloq) saya ini senang saja; be in ~ circumstances, (colloq) hidup /mewah, dlm kemewahan/; of ~ virtue, tdk bermoral, liar: a woman of ~ virtue, perempuan yg tdk bermoral; on ~ terms, dgn bayaran mudah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bad | 7. ill, sakit, teruk: she’s ~ today, dia teruk hari ini; 8. wicked, jahat: a thoroughly ~ man, seorang yg betul-betul jahat; 9. naughty, nakal, jahat: come here, you ~ boy!, mari sini, budak nakal!; 10. immoral, jalang, tdk /berakhlak, bermoral/, liar: a ~ woman, perempuan jalang; 11. not acceptable, distasteful, a. (of behaviour, habit) buruk; b. (of manners) tdk sopan, kasar; 12. rotten, (sudah) busuk: a ~ pineapple, nanas busuk; the fish is ~, ikan itu busuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intrigue | n 1. act, practice of plotting, (membuat) rancangan jahat: this plotting and ~ must be stopped, amalan berkomplot dan membuat rancangan jahat ini mesti dihentikan; he uses ~ to get what he wants, dia menggunakan rancangan jahat utk mendapatkan apa yg dikehendakinya; 2. plot, scheme, rancangan jahat, komplot: there were constant ~s to overthrow the new government, komplot utk menggulingkan kerajaan baru itu sering berlaku; political ~s, komplot-komplot politik; 3. (archaic) secret love affair, hubungan sulit: the ~s of his promiscuous wife, hubungan-hubungan sulit isterinya yg tdk bermoral itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |