frilled | adj decorated with frills, beropol(-ropol): ~ curtains, langsir yg beropol-ropol. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frilly | adj having frills, beropol-ropol, penuh dgn ropol: a ~ dress, baju yg beropol-ropol; she turned the bathroom into a ~ paradise, dia menjadikan kamar mandi itu spt syurga yg penuh dgn ropol. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frill | n ornamental edging on dress etc, ropol: her dress had ~s edging the collar and cuffs, bajunya beropol di tepi kolar dan manset; /with no, without/ ~s, (unembellished) tdk berbunga-bunga; (without accessories) tanpa alat tambah; (simple) sederhana: a speech with no ~s, ucapan yg tdk berbunga-bunga; he prefers a car without ~s, dia lebih menyukai kereta tanpa alat tambah; a presentation of “Hamlet” without the ~s, persembahan “Hamlet” yg sederhana. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |