blind | adv 1. relying solely on instruments, dgn berpandukan alat semata-mata: to fly ~, terbang dgn berpandukan alat semata-mata; 2. without adequate knowledge, /secara, dgn/ /membuta tuli, membabi buta/: to buy a piece of land ~, membeli sebidang tanah secara membuta tuli; 3. into a stupor, /sampai, hingga/ /lupa diri, terlengar/: he drank himself ~, dia minum sampai lupa diri; ~ drunk, mabuk bunga selasih, mabuk semabuk-mabuknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
navigate | vi 1. direct, control course of ship or aircraft, memandu arah, berkemudi: to ~ by the stars, berkemudi dgn berpandukan bintang; to ~ by instrument, memandu arah dgn berpandukan alat; 2. assist driver by pointing out the route, memandu arah: I’ll drive, and you ~, saya memandu dan kamu memandu arah; 3. sail, belayar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
live 1 | ~ by, a. have o’s home next to, tinggal dekat: she ~s by the river, dia tinggal dekat sungai; b. see vi (sense 3. ); c. live according to (certain principles etc) hidup berpandukan: most people try to ~ by the norms of society, kebanyakan orang cuba hidup berpandukan norma-norma masyarakat; ~ by os, hidup bersendirian: she has been living by herself since her divorce, dia hidup bersendirian sejak bercerai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
refer | vi 1. mention (of), allude, ditujukan, dimaksudkan: does that remark ~ to me?, adakah teguran itu ditujukan kpd saya?; 2. affect, meliputi, merangkumi: these rules do not ~ to handicapped players, peraturan-peraturan ini tdk meliputi peserta-peserta cacat; 3. seek information (from book, note, time-table) merujuk, berpandukan; (clock, watch) berpandukan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
steer | vi 1. guide, control course of vehicle, memandu; (ship) berkemudi: they took it in turns to ~, mereka bergilir-gilir memandu; they ~ed westward by the stars, mereka berkemudi ke arah barat dgn berpandukan bintang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |