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Kata Terbitan : berpaut, berpautan, berpaut-pautan, memaut, memautkan, terpaut, pautan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

hold 1 ~ on to, a. grasp tightly, /berpegang kuat-kuat, berpaut/ pd: she held on to the ship’s railing tightly, dia berpaut dgn kuat pd susur kapal itu; b. restrain, menahan: he managed to ~ on to his temper, dia dapat menahan kemarahannya; c. keep in o’s possession, tdk menjual: he is ~ing on to those shares as the value is increasing, dia tdk menjual syernya krn nilainya sedang meningkat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
clingvi 1. stick, remain fast, melekap; (of smell) melekat: oysters ~ to rocks, tiram-tiram melekap pd batu; his wet clothes clung to him, pakaiannya yg basah itu melekap pd badannya; 2. hold tightly to, berpaut: the child clung to his mother’s hand, anak kecil itu berpaut pd tangan ibunya; she clung to the window ledge, dia berpaut pd belebas tingkap;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hold 1 ~ on, a. also ~ on a /minute, second/, wait, tunggu (sebentar, sekejap): ~ on, I’ll go and get her, tunggu sebentar, saya akan pergi memanggilnya; b. cling tightly, berpaut: I can’t ~ on much longer, my hands are tired, saya tdk boleh berpaut lebih lama lagi, tangan saya sudah lenguh; c. continue in spite of difficulties, bersabar: we were told to ~ on as help would reach us soon, kami diberitahu supaya bersabar krn pertolongan akan sampai tdk lama lagi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
grimadj 1. resolute, teguh, kuat: it was only through ~ determination, that he was able to finish the job, hanya dgn azam yg kuat dia dapat menyudahkan kerjanya; /hold on, hang on/ like ~ death, berpaut bermati-matian: he hung on to the tree like ~ death to avoid being swept away by the current, dia berpaut bermati-matian pd pokok itu utk mengelakkan drpd dihanyutkan oleh arus; 2. serious, unsmiling, serius, garang: looking rather ~, the director came out to talk to the reporters, dgn wajah yg agak serius, pengarah itu keluar utk bercakap dgn para wartawan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hold 1 2. influence, pengaruh: his ~ over his pupils never weakened, pengaruhnya thdp murid-muridnya tdk pernah luntur; a woman who has a firm ~ over her family, wanita yg mempunyai pengaruh yg kuat thdp keluarganya; 3. power, kuasa: how long can an alien government exert its ~ over a country?, berapa lamakah sebuah kerajaan asing boleh mengekalkan kuasanya ke atas sesebuah negara?; 4. handhold, (esp in climbing) tempat /berpegang, berpaut/: there are few ~s on that cliff, ada sedikit saja tempat berpegang pd tebing tinggi itu; 5. (in wrestling etc) pegangan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cling~ to, a. see vi (sense 1.); b. see vi (sense 2.); c. hang on to (so.) usu because of lack of confidence, tdk mahu melepaskan; (of child) berkepit pd: in spite of what he had done to her, she still clung to him, walaupun lelaki itu memperlakukannya spt itu, dia masih tdk mahu melepaskannya; d. remain faithful to, not relinquish, /berpegang, berpaut/ pd; (hope) menaruh: he accused her of ~ing to outmoded conventions, dia menuduh wanita itu masih berpegang pd adat resam yg lapuk; she clung to the hope that one day the family will be together again, dia menaruh harapan bahawa suatu hari nanti keluarganya akan bersatu semula;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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