influence | have a calming ~ on so., /menenteramkan, menenangkan/ sso: the words had a calming ~ on him, kata-kata itu menenteramkannya; of /some, great, etc/ ~, berpengaruh, amat berpengaruh: he is a person of great ~ in the town, dia amat berpengaruh di bandar itu; under the ~, (colloq) mabuk: you’ll be fined if you’re caught driving under the ~, kamu akan didenda jika kamu didapati memandu dlm keadaan mabuk; under the ~ of alcohol, dlm keadaan mabuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
influential | adj berpengaruh; (of speech) dapat mempengaruhi pendengar: an ~ man, seorang yg berpengaruh; he has several ~ friends, dia mempunyai ramai sahabat yg berpengaruh; sterling is still ~ in international trade, mata wang sterling masih berpengaruh dlm perdagangan antarabangsa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dominant | adj 1. most influential, important, paling berpengaruh, dominan: money was the ~ force in his life, wang ialah penggerak yg paling berpengaruh dlm hidupnya; he occupied a ~ position in the party, dia memegang jawatan yg paling berpengaruh dlm parti itu; he was the ~ partner in the firm, dia rakan kongsi yg paling berpengaruh dlm syarikat itu; 2. most noticeable, paling menonjol, dominan: the ~ theme in his early works, tema yg paling menonjol dlm karya awalnya; red is the ~ colour in the furnishings, merah merupakan warna yg paling menonjol dlm hiasan bilik itu; 3. (genetics) dominan: ~ genes, gen dominan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ascender | n (astrol) bintang; in the ~, a. supreme, dominant, menjadi semakin penting dan berpengaruh: ideas that are now in the ~, idea-idea yg kini menjadi semakin penting dan berpengaruh; those who are against social reforms appear to be in the ~, orang-orang yg menentang pembaharuan sosial nampaknya menjadi semakin penting dan berpengaruh; b. (pop.) rising, menjadi semakin cerah, sedang meningkat naik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
familiarity | n 1. closeness, close friendship, hubungan yg rapat, kekariban, kemesraan: his ~ with influential people, hubungannya yg rapat dgn orang-orang yg berpengaruh; 2. undue intimacy, perbuatan yg melewati batas; 3. state of being conversant with, pengetahuan: his ~ with the language, pengetahuannya ttg bahasa itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
connected | well ~, a. have relatives who are high in society etc, mempunyai hubungan keluarga dgn orang-orang yg berpangkat; b. know influential, powerful people, mempunyai hubungan dgn orang-orang yg berpengaruh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gain | 2. increase, improve, bertambah, makin, semakin, meningkat; (in weight, value) bertambah, naik: a theory that is ~ing in popularity, teori yg bertambah popular or teori yg meningkat kepopularannya; to ~ in influence, semakin berpengaruh; the political party has ~ed in strength, parti politik itu bertambah kuat; she is ~ing in weight, berat badannya bertambah; 3. (of clock, watch) cepat: my watch ~s, jam saya cepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
active | adj 1. physically energetic, nimble, cergas: at seventy he is still very ~, walaupun sudah berusia tujuh puluh tahun dia masih cergas; an ~ child, kanak-kanak yg cergas; 2. alert, cerdas: an ~ mind, akal yg cerdas; 3. effective, practical, aktif: to take an ~ part in st, mengambil bahagian yg aktif dlm sst; be an ~ force, berpengaruh: he is still an ~ force in the party, dia masih berpengaruh dlm parti itu; 4. participating, contributing, aktif: an ~ member, ahli yg aktif; be ~ in (politics, an organisation, etc) /aktif, giat/ dlm (politik, pertubuhan, dll); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heavyweight | n 1. (boxer) petinju heavyweight; (attrib) heavyweight: ~ champion of the world, juara heavyweight sedunia; 2. person of more than average weight, orang yg gemuk (gedempol); 3. very influential person, orang yg berpengaruh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carry | ~ all before one, berjaya sepenuhnya; ~ into effect, melaksanakan, menjalankan; ~ os well, berperawakan baik; ~ st too far, (fig.) secara keterlaluan: she carried her dislike of men too far, dia membenci orang lelaki secara keterlaluan; ~ the day, win, menang, memperoleh kemenangan; ~ weight, (fig.), (be important) penting, mustahak; (be influential) berpengaruh; (be effective) berkesan, meninggalkan kesan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |