next | prep usu ~ to, a. beside, di sebelah; (person) di sebelah, di sisi: the shop ~ to the Japanese restaurant, kedai di sebelah restoran Jepun; come and sit down ~ to me, marilah duduk di sisi saya; ~ to each other, bersebelah(-sebelahan): they’ve been working ~ to each other for years, sudah bertahun-tahun mereka bekerja bersebelah-sebelahan; b. (with negative words) almost, hampir: this book is ~ to worthless, buku ini hampir tdk bernilai; ~ to nothing, sedikit sekali: they know ~ to nothing about their own history, mereka tahu sedikit sekali ttg sejarah mereka sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |