alliance | n 1. confederation (between nations) perikatan, bersekutu: Britain fought in ~ with France, Britain dan Perancis bersekutu dlm peperangan itu; they are in ~, mereka bersekutu; 2. tie, connection, hubungan: they hoped for a closer ~ with the National Union of Bank Employees, mereka mengharapkan hubungan yg lebih rapat dgn Kesatuan Kebangsaan Pekerja-Pekerja Bank; 3. pact, agreement, perjanjian; 4. nations involved in an alliance, negara-negara berikat; 5. (becoming rare) union through marriage, hubungan (melalui perkahwinan): an ~ by marriage between the two royal families is desirable, hubungan melalui perkahwinan antara dua keluarga diraja itu amat diingini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
allied | adj 1. joined, a. (by treaty) bersekutu, berikat: the ~ forces, kuasa-kuasa bersekutu; b. usu A~, Pihak Berikat; 2. connected, berkait(an), berhubung(an): closely ~ to his lack of self-confidence was his fear of being ridiculed, bahawa dia takut dipersendakan berkaitan rapat dgn kurangnya kepercayaan thdp dirinya sendiri; 3. connected by likeness, resemblance, descent, berkaitan: biology and ~ sciences, biologi dan bidang-bidang ilmu sains berkaitan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ally | vt 1. unite, (by treaty) bersekutu: a Third World country which allied itself with a superpower, sebuah negara Dunia Ketiga yg bersekutu dgn sebuah kuasa besar; 2. (usu pass.) connect (by likeness, resemblance, descent) ada persamaannya: a disease that is closely allied to dysentry, penyakit yg ada persamaannya yg rapat dgn penyakit disentri; English is allied to German, bahasa Inggeris ada persamaannya dgn bahasa Jerman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invariably | n 1. attack, pelanggaran, penyerangan, serangan: the ~ of Sicily by the allied forces, serangan ke atas Siciliy oleh pasukan kuasa bersekutu; 2. unwanted arrival, intrusion, kedatangan (yg mengganggu): this ~ of my place by my room-mate’s cronies annoyed me, saya berasa jengkel dgn kedatangan kawan rapat teman sebilik saya; ~ of privacy, mengganggu /hak kebersendirian, privasi/; 3. influx, a. (of people) kedatangan beramai-ramai ke, membanjiri: the ~ of idyllic beaches by holiday-makers, orang-orang bercuti yg membanjiri pantai-pantai yg indah; b. (of books, films, etc) pembanjiran, membanjiri: there was a growing public concern over the ~ of the market by Japanese cars, orang ramai makin mengambil berat ttg pembanjiran kereta Jepun di pasaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
associate | vi 1. mix socially, bergaul, bercampur: he only ~s with the higher-ups, dia bergaul hanya dgn orang atasan; 2. join in, form (association etc) bersekutu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
evacuate | vt 1. send (so.) away to a place of safety, memindahkan: the government will ~ all the women and children, kerajaan akan memindahkan semua wanita dan kanak-kanak; 2. a. take all the people away from, memindahkan /penduduk, penghuni/ dr: the whole town was ~d when one of the nuclear plants exploded, seluruh penduduk bandar itu dipindahkan apabila salah satu drpd loji nuklear meletup;b. (esp mil) leave or withdraw from, meninggalkan, berundur dr: as the Allied forces drew nearer, they were given orders to ~ the area, apabila tentera Bersekutu semakin hampir, mereka diberi perintah supaya berundur dr kawasan itu; 3. (fml) empty (the bowels) mengosongkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |