busy | adj 1. having much to do or attend to, sibuk: he is a very ~ man, dia (orang yg) sangat sibuk; a businessman is always ~, ahli perniagaan sentiasa sibuk; 2. actively engaged or occupied (in doing st) sibuk: he is ~ at work, dia sedang sibuk bekerja; we are ~ getting ready for the trip, kami sedang sibuk bersiap-siap utk perjalanan itu; 3. characterized by, full of activity, penuh kesibukan, sangat sibuk: a ~ life, kehidupan yg penuh kesibukan; a ~ day, hari yg sangat sibuk; 4. (of a telephone line) engaged, in use,sedang /dipakai, digunakan/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arm2 | ~ os with, a. provide os with (weapon), (act.) mempersenjatai diri sso dgn; (pass.) bersenjatakan: he ~ed himself with a broken bottle and hid behind the door, dia mempersenjatai dirinya dgn botol pecah dan bersembunyi di belakang pintu; the assailants were ~ed with M-16 rifles, penyerang-penyerang itu bersenjatakan repal M-16; b. furnish os with tool, requisites, (act.) bersiap sedia, bersedia; (pass.) siap: the plumber had ~ed himself with every conceivable tool before setting out for the job, tukang paip itu bersiap sedia dgn segala perkakas sebelum dia keluar utk bekerja; several tourists, ~ed with cameras, came out of the hotel, beberapa orang pelancong, siap dgn kamera, keluar dr hotel itu; c. provide os with (st that strengthens, protects, etc) memperlengkapi: we must ~ ourselves with patience, kita mesti memperlengkapi diri dgn kesabaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |