go | ~ along, a. move along, bergerak: the cars have to ~ along slowly because of the rain, kereta-kereta itu terpaksa bergerak perlahan-lahan oleh sebab hujan; b. proceed, [various translations]: they whistled as they went along, mereka bersiul-siul sambil berjalan; you’ll learn more about the job as you ~ along, kamu akan lebih banyak belajar ttg pekerjaan ini semasa kamu membuatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distraction | n 1. act of drawing away, mengalih perhatian; 2. amusement, diversion, hiburan: there are too many ~s in the city, terlalu banyak hiburan di bandar raya; 3. interruption, gangguan: babies crying, kettles whistling, doors banging – these are some of the ~s in the home, bunyi bayi menangis, cerek bersiul, pintu berdentam – inilah antara beberapa gangguan yg terdapat di rumah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attract | vt 1. draw to os, itself, a. (person) menarik (hati), tertarik; (purposely) memikat (hati): she ~s men easily, lelaki mudah tertarik kepadanya; bright colours ~ babies, bayi tertarik kpd warna-warna terang; b. (physical things) menarik, tertarik: a magnet ~s iron, magnet menarik besi; the scent of flowers ~s bees, lebah tertarik oleh bau bunga; c. (attention, notice, etc) menarik: he whistled to ~ attention, dia bersiul utk menarik perhatian; 2. arouse interest of, menarik, tertarik: the proposal did not ~ him, dia tdk tertarik dgn tawaran itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |