disport | vi & vt (fml) bersuka-suka: the children ~ed themselves on the beach, kanak-kanak itu bersuka-suka di pantai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frivolous | adj 1. a. (of person), (light-hearted, fun-loving and silly) gemar bersuka-suka; (not serious, flippant) tdk serius, semberono: a serious man who could not stand ~ women, lelaki serius yg tdk tahan dgn perempuan yg gemar bersuka-suka; when asked about her future plans she suddenly laughed and became ~, apabila ditanya ttg rancangan masa depannya, dia tiba-tiba ketawa dan menjadi tdk serius; b. (of remark, criticism, etc) semberono, sambil lewa, sambalewa: ~ replies, jawapan-jawapan semberono; 2. silly and trifling, a. (of activity) semberono: she made it plain that, for her, going to parties was a ~ way of spending o’s time, dia menyatakan dgn jelas bahawa, baginya, menghadiri majlis merupakan cara semborono utk sso menghabiskan masa; b. (of object) remeh-remeh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jollify | vi bersuka ria, berpesta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enjoy | ~ os, berseronok-seronok, bersuka-suka: he always ~s himself at parties, dia selalu berseronok-seronok di majlis keramaian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jollification | n 1. merry-making, bersuka ria, berpesta: there was much ~ in Rome when Italy won the World Cup, ramai orang yg berpesta di bandar Rom apabila Itali memenangi Piala Dunia; 2. instance of merry-making, pesta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ball2 | n social gathering for dancing, majlis /tari-menari, dansa/; have a ~, (colloq) berseronok-seronok, bersuka-suka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
band1 | n 1. group, a. (gen) kumpulan: a ~ of late-night revellers, sekumpulan orang yang sedang bersuka ria pd larut malam: a ~ of construction workers, sekumpulan pekerja binaan; b. (of bandits etc) gerombolan: a ~ of robbers, segerombolan penyamun; 2. group of musicians, (kumpulan) pancaragam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amplitude | n 1. magnitude, besar: an island of some ~, pulau yg agak besar; 2. abundance, banyak(nya): the ~ of the harvest was cause for rejoicing, banyaknya hasil tuaian memberi mereka sebab utk bersuka-ria; 3. breadth, scope (as of mind) keluasan: the ~ his of vision, keluasan visinya; 4. (phys & electr) jerayun, amplitud. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
for | 7. in agreement with, bersetuju: I’m all ~ buying a car but then we haven’t got enough money, saya bersetuju sekali membeli kereta tetapi kita tdk mempunyai wang yg cukup; 8. on the side of, untuk: he plays hockey ~ Selangor, dia bermain hoki untuk Selangor; 9. in order to have, get, save, preserve, etc, untuk [v]; (money, points, etc) utk mendapatkan; (o’s country, faith, etc) demi, untuk: he did it ~ fun, dia melakukannya untuk bersuka-suka; to fight ~ survival, berjuang untuk terus hidup; she ran ~ her life, dia lari untuk menyelamatkan nyawanya; ~ further information, write to..., untuk mendapatkan maklumat selanjutnya, sila tulis kpd...; they fought ~ their country, mereka berjuang dan gugur demi negara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
few | adj 1. several, a. (foll by noun of measurement) beberapa: in the next ~ days, dlm beberapa hari lagi; a ~ dollars only, beberapa dolar sahaja; he walked for a ~ miles, dia berjalan beberapa batu; b. (foll by other nouns) beberapa + approp classifier: in a ~ well chosen words, dlm beberapa patah perkataan yg berkesan; a ~ friends called in at the house, beberapa orang kawan singgah di rumah; 2. not many, tdk banyak, sedikit saja; (of persons) tdk /banyak, ramai/, sedikit saja: he had ~ chances to enjoy himself, dia tdk mempunyai peluang yg banyak utk bersuka-suka; ~ books have been read by so many people, tdk banyak buku yg dibaca oleh orang seramai itu; ~ people live to be a hundred, tdk ramai orang yg dapat hidup sampai seratus tahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |