bachelorhood | n (hidup) membujang: after years of ~, he finally got married, setelah bertahun-tahun membujang akhirnya dia berkahwin; /during, in/ so’s ~, semasa sso (masih) bujang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anonymity | n ketanpanamaan: the poet preserved his ~ over the years, penyair itu mengekalkan ketanpanamaannya bertahun-tahun; the ~ of the report cast doubts on its authenticity, ketanpanamaan laporan itu menyebabkan keasliannya disangsikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dormant | lie ~, (fig.) terpendam: feelings that had lain ~ for years, perasaan yg terpendam bertahun-tahun lamanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accumulated | adj 1. (gen) terkumpul: the ~ grime of years, kotoran yg terkumpul bertahun-tahun; the heat ~ in the body, haba yg terkumpul di dlm tubuh; 2. (of wealth, fortune, etc) terkumpul, terhimpun: ~ riches, kekayaan yg terkumpul; the ~ spoils of the Huns, hasil jarahan orang Hun yg terkumpul; 3. (of knowledge, experience) terkumpul; 4. (econ) terkumpul: ~ depreciation, susut nilai terkumpul; ~ dividend, dividen terkumpul; ~ fund, dana terkumpul. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deal | ~ at, berlanggan: I’ve ~t at that shop for years, saya sudah berlanggan di kedai itu bertahun-tahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amateur | n 1. non-professional, amatur: he played tennis as an ~ for many years, sudah bertahun-tahun dia bermain tenis sbg seorang amatur; ~ golf, golf amatur; 2. non-expert, amatur, tdk mahir: although he tried hard to master the game, he remained an ~, walaupun dia mencuba sedaya upaya utk menguasai permainan itu, namun dia masih juga amatur; 3. one who is fond of, peminat: an ~ of the art of batik painting, seorang peminat seni lukis batik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Latin | n 1. (language) bahasa Latin: she taught ~ for many years, dia mengajarkan bahasa Latin sudah bertahun-tahun lamanya; 2. (person, race), /orang, bangsa/ Latin: there are many ~s in the Southern regions of the United States, terdapat banyak orang Latin di kawasan Selatan Amerika Syarikat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cry | ~ out against, melaung-laungkan bantahan thdp: after years of suppression the people began to ~ out against the injustices, setelah bertahun-tahun ditindas, orang ramai mula melaung-laungkan bantahan thdp ketidakadilan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bosom | in the ~ of o’s family, dlm pangkuan keluarga sso: for years she lived in the ~ of her family, bertahun-tahun lamanya dia tinggal dlm pangkuan keluarganya; take to o’s ~, menerima dgn penuh kasih sayang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gain | ~ /on, upon/, a. (fml) erode, menghakis: for many years, the sea has been ~ing upon the shore, bertahun-tahun lamanya laut menghakis pantai; b. get closer to, /bertambah, semakin, makin/ dekat dgn: the police are ~ing on the thief, polis bertambah dekat dgn pencuri itu; c. go faster than, /semakin, makin/ mendahului: the thief is ~ing on his pursuers, pencuri itu semakin mendahului orang-orang yg mengejarnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |