Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

answerableadj 1. responsible, bertanggungjawab: I am only ~ to the clerk of works, saya bertanggungjawab hanya kpd penyelia kerja; the management is not ~ for any loss of personal belongings, pihak pengurusan tdk bertanggungjawab thdp kehilangan barang-barang kepunyaan sendiri; 2. capable of being answered, /dapat, boleh/ dijawab.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
chargen 1. cost, price, bayaran: the ~ for admission, bayaran masuk; free of ~, percuma; 2. responsibility, jagaan, tanggungjawab: I’ll have to spend some time with those under my ~, saya mestilah meluangkan masa utk orang-orang di bawah jagaan saya; in ~, bertanggungjawab: he’s the officer in ~ of local tenders, dialah pegawai yg bertanggungjawab ttg tender dalaman; the police would like to speak to the person in ~, polis hendak bercakap dgn orang yg bertanggungjawab;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
amenableadj 1. always ~ to, responsive, mahu + approp v: he is not ~ to discipline, dia tdk mahu mengikut disiplin; a man who is ~ to advice, orang yg mahu mendengar nasihat; 2. willing to yield, submit, mahu mengalah: he found his future wife ~, dia mendapati bakal isterinya mahu mengalah; 3. always ~ to, answerable, responsible, bertanggungjawab: ~ to the law, bertanggungjawab thdp undang-undang; 4. able to withstand testing, tahan uji: the results were ~ to scientific laws, kesimpulan-kesimpulan itu tahan uji menurut hukum-hukum sains.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
incendiaryadj 1. of, involving the deliberate setting on fire of property, melibatkan kebakaran: he was responsible for the ~ outrage, dia bertanggungjawab melakukan kekejaman yg melibatkan kebakaran itu; 2. designed to cause fires, pembakar: ~ bombs, bom pembakar; 3. tending to stir up trouble, inflammatory, mengapi-apikan: he travelled the country making ~ speeches, dia menjelajah ke seluruh negara dan memberikan ceramah yg mengapi-apikan; an ~ article in a local newspaper, rencana yg mengapi-apikan dlm akhbar tempatan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dutyn 1. obligation, what one has to do, kewajipan: to do o’s ~ as a responsible citizen, menjalankan kewajipan sbg warganegara yg bertanggungjawab; a sense of ~, rasa tanggungjawab; 2. task, work, tugas: what are his duties?, apakah tugas-tugasnya?; to do o’s ~ come what may, menjalankan tugas walau apa pun yg berlaku; do ~ for, boleh /dijadikan, digunakan/ sbg: this box will do ~ for a chair, kotak ini boleh digunakan sbg kerusi; (go) on ~, bertugas; (go) off ~, habis bertugas; report for ~, melaporkan diri utk bertugas; 3. tax charged by government, duti: customs duties, duti kastam; death duties, duti kematian.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
instigatevt 1. start by o’s effort, action, memulakan: a group of army officers were responsible for instigating the rebellion, sekumpulan pegawai tentera bertanggungjawab memulakan pemberontakan itu; to ~ legal action, memulakan tindakan undang-undang; 2. incite, menghasut: he was accused of ~ing the workers to strike, dia dituduh menghasut pekerja-pekerja supaya mogok.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
destructionn 1. act of, a. (tearing down, ruining completely) pemusnahan, pembinasaan: the man responsible for the ~ of the bridge, orang yg bertanggungjawab thdp pembinasaan jambatan itu; b. (killing) pembunuhan; 2. state of being destroyed, kemusnahan, kebinasaan: the ~ resulting from the cyclone, kemusnahan akibat siklon; be o’s ~, menyebabkan sso binasa: pride was his ~, sifat bangga diri menyebabkan dia binasa.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
administrationn 1. act of, a. (managing affairs of, government, etc) pentadbiran: problems of ~, masalah pentadbiran; those responsible for the ~ of the country, mereka yg bertanggungjawab thdp pentadbiran negara; b. (executing, meting out) pelaksanaan: ~ of the law, pelaksanaan undang-undang; c. (giving, applying as remedy) pemberian: the immediate ~ of an anti dote is of the utmost importance, pemberian penawar racun dgn serta-merta amatlah penting; d. (tendering, imposing) pentadbiran; 2. governing body, pentadbiran: the head of ~ at the institute, ketua pentadbiran di institut itu; the Mahathir ~, pentadbiran Mahathir.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
formationn 1. act of, a. (being formed) terbentuknya: the ~ of clouds, terbentuknya awan; b. (establishing) penubuhan, pembentukan: he was responsible for the ~ of the union, dia bertanggungjawab thdp pembentukan kesatuan itu; c. (developing) pembentukan: discipline is important in the ~ of character, disiplin adalah penting dlm pembentukan watak; 2. thing formed, bentukan: a new word ~, bentukan kata baru; clouds are ~s of condensed water vapour, awan ialah bentukan wap air yg terpeluwap; 3. (mil) formasi: the ships were in battle ~, kapal-kapal itu berada dlm formasi pertempuran.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hold 1 15. consider, regard, menganggap: he was held to be one of the greatest philosophers, dia dianggap salah seorang ahli falsafah yg teragung; I don’t ~ myself responsible for the failure of the project, saya tdk menganggap diri saya bertanggungjawab atas kegagalan projek itu; 16. (of judge, court) memutuskan: the judge held the witness to be in contempt of court, hakim itu memutuskan bahawa saksi tersebut melakukan penghinaan thdp mahkamah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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