pull | ~ apart, ditarik: “How do you open it?” “It doesn’t screw. It just ~s apart”, “Bagaimana hendak membukanya?” “Tidak pakai skru. Hanya perlu ditarik”; ~ apart at the seams, bertas; ~ so. apart, meleraikan sso: the two boys had to be ~ed apart by their parents, kedua-dua budak itu terpaksa dileraikan oleh ibu bapa mereka; ~ st apart, a. pull st into many pieces, mencerai-ceraikan sst: the teacher ~ed the flower apart to show the class how it was made up, cikgu mencerai-ceraikan bunga itu utk memperlihatkan bahagian-bahagiannya kpd kelas; b. separate st, /memisahkan, meleraikan/ sst: the two sheets had stuck together and had to be carefully ~ed apart, kedua-dua helai kertas itu telah terlekat dan terpaksa dipisahkan dgn hati-hati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |