direction | n 1. point towards which person or thing moves or faces, arah, hala: the wind blew in a south-west ~, angin bertiup ke arah barat daya; the crowd scattered in all ~s, orang ramai bertempiaran ke semua arah; ~ of flow, arah aliran; have a /good, poor/ sense of ~, /pandai, tdk pandai/ /menuju arah, mencari jalan/; in the ~ of, menghala ke: they drove in the ~ of Paris, mereka memandu menghala ke Paris; 2. order, arahan: stage ~, arahan pentas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | d. (disperse) bersurai; (scatter) bercerai-berai, menjadi berpecah-pecah: the conference broke up early, persidangan itu bersurai awal; when the tanks appeared, the crowd broke up and ran for cover, apabila kereta kebal tiba, orang ramai bersurai dan bertempiaran mencari perlindungan; the family has broken up as a result of the war, keluarga itu telah bercerai-berai akibat peperangan; e. (ref to school) cease activity, mula bercuti, tutup: our school ~s up next Tuesday, kami bercuti hari Selasa depan or sekolah kami mula tutup pd hari Selasa depan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approach | n 1. act of coming nearer, a. (in space) mendekat, merapat, menghampiri + approp pron or n: at our ~, the intruders fled, penceroboh-penceroboh itu lari apabila kami menghampiri mereka; the ~ of the whirlwind sent people scurrying for shelter, orang-orang lari bertempiaran mencari tempat perlindungan apabila puting beliung menghampiri pelabuhan itu; b. (in time) menjelang, mendekat, hampir tiba; (of death) hampir tiba, sudah dekat: the ~ of midnight, menjelang tengah malam; 2. approximation, semblance, hampir sama: the account makes some ~ to truth, cerita itu hampir sama dgn yg sebenarnya; a fair ~ to accuracy, hampir tepat; 3. access, jalan masuk: trees line the ~ to the palace, pokok-pokok berderet di sepanjang jalan masuk ke istana; ~ road, jalan tuju; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fright | give so. a ~, (frighten so.) menakutkan sso, membuat sso takut; (give so. a shock), /mengejutkan, memeranjatkan/ sso, membuat sso /terkejut, terperanjat/: the noise gave her a ~, bunyi itu menakutkannya; look a ~, (colloq) unsightly person or thing, nampak dahsyat: my hair looks a ~, rambut saya nampak dahsyat; take ~ (at st), tiba-tiba takut: at the sound of the approaching cavalry, the villagers took ~ and scattered, apabila terdengar bunyi pasukan berkuda yg semakin dekat, orang-orang kampung tiba-tiba takut dan lari bertempiaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
every | ~ now and /again, then/, ~ so often, sekali-sekala, sesekali; ~ one of /them, us, you/, setiap seorang drpd /mereka, kami, kamu/; ~ other (day, week, etc), /selang, lat/ /sehari, seminggu, dll/; ~ which way, (US), (colloq), [various translations]: you’ll have to do your hair again, it’s going ~ which way, kamu mesti merapikan rambutmu. Rambutmu kusut betul; when the police fired tear gas at the crowd, everyone started to run ~ which way, apabila polis menembakkan gas pemedih mata ke arah orang ramai, semua orang mula lari bertempiaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |