counter 3 | adv bertentangan, berlawanan; /go, run/ ~ to, /bertentangan, berlawanan/ dgn: ideas that run ~ to accepted principles, gagasan-gagasan yg bertentangan dgn prinsip-prinsip yg diterima umum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antithetic(al) | adj 1. (rhet) berantitesis; 2. contrasted, bertentangan: the ~ symbolism of fertility and barrenness, perlambangan kesuburan dan ketandusan yg bertentangan; 3. consisting of two opposites, bertentangan: their essential motives are ~, motif utama mereka bertentangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antithesis | n 1. direct opposite, sst yg /bertentangan, berlawanan/: rhyme is sometimes taken as the ~ of reason, puisi kadangkala dianggap sbg sst yg bertentangan dgn logik; 2. contrast, bertentangan; 3.x (rhet) antitesis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contrary | adj 1. opposed, opposite, bertentangan; (of words) berlawanan: ~ to the doctor’s advice, he went back to work the very next day, bertentangan dgn nasihat doktor, dia kembali bekerja keesokan harinya; the result is ~ to our expectation, keputusan itu berlawanan dgn harapan kami; his conduct is ~ to the rules of the school, tingkah lakunya bertentangan dgn peraturan sekolah; ~ opinions, pendapat yg bertentangan; “fast” and “slow” are ~ terms, “cepat” dan “lambat” ialah kata yg berlawanan; 2. (of wind) sakal; 3. obstinate, difficult, suka membantah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antagonistic | adj bertentangan, berlawanan; (physiol, biol & med) berantagonis: ~ principles, prinsip-prinsip yg bertentangan; ~ races, bangsa-bangsa yg berlawanan; ~ muscle, otot berantagonis; be ~ to, menentang, melawan; (physiol, biol & med) berantagonis dgn: he is ~ to the idea, dia menentang gagasan itu; a group ~ to the government, kumpulan yg menentang kerajaan; the biceps muscle is ~ to the triceps, otot biseps berantagonis dgn otot triseps. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
argue | ~ back, mengemukakan pendapat yg bertentangan, menentang: everytime he made a suggestion his sister would ~ back, setiap kali dia membuat cadangan adiknya akan mengemukakan pendapat yg bertentangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
against | 2. opposed in tendency, character to, /bertentangan, berlawanan/ dgn; (o’s wishes, will) tanpa: forced to act ~ his conscience, terpaksa bertindak bertentangan dgn kata hatinya; to be married ~ o’s will, berkahwin tanpa kerelaan hati sso; 3. in violation of, melanggar: an act that is ~ the law, perbuatan yg melanggar undang-undang; 4. that prohibits, melarang, menegah: is there a law ~ talking too much?, adakah undang-undang yg melarang orang bercakap terlalu banyak?; 5. in the opposite direction to, a. (current, tide, wind) melawan, menyongsong: he swam ~ the current, dia berenang melawan arus; b. (nap, hair, etc) menyongsong: to brush a hat ~ the nap, memberus topi menyongsong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grain | go against the ~, bertentangan dgn + approp n: it went against the ~ for him to tell lies and he only did it to get his sister out of the mess, bercakap bohong bertentangan dgn sifatnya dan dia berbuat demikian semata-mata utk melepaskan adiknya dr masalah itu; separate the /~, wheat/ from the chaff, mengasingkan yg baik drpd yg tdk baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expectation | ~ of life, jangkaan /umur, hayat/; /against, contrary to /(all) ~(s), bertentangan drpd apa yg /dijangka, diharapkan/: Williams, against all ~s, won the world championship, Williams, bertentangan drpd apa yg dijangka, memenangi kejohanan dunia itu; beyond /~, o’s ~s /, better than was hoped for, lebih baik drpd yg diharapkan: the concert was beyond our ~, konsert itu lebih baik drpd yg kami harapkan; /fall short of, not come up to/ so’s ~s, tdk sebaik spt yg sso harapkan: I always enjoy listening to his albums, but his latest hit single really fell short of my ~s, saya selalu seronok mendengar albumnya, tetapi lagu hit terbarunya tdk sebaik spt yg saya harapkan; live up to so’s ~s, memenuhi jangkaan sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incompatible | adj 1. incapable of living, working, etc together, tdk /serasi, secocok, bersesuaian/, tdk /sesuai, cocok/ antara satu sama lain: business partners who are not ~, rakan perniagaan yg tdk sesuai antara satu sama lain; 2. unable to occur, exist etc in harmony, bertentangan; (with each other) bertentangan antara satu sama lain; (tech) tak serasi: his behaviour is ~ with his position, tingkah lakunya bertentangan dgn kedudukannya; ~ ideas, gagasan yg bertentangan antara satu sama lain; ~ colours, warna yg bertentangan antara satu sama lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |